Patient D., 38 years old, was admitted to the clinic with complaints of weakness, increased fatigue, hair loss, brittleness and exfoliation of nails, taste perversion, epigastric pain, aggravated on an empty stomach, especially in spring and autumn. Blood test:
hemoglobin - 70 g / l; erythrocytes - 3.5 x 1012 / l; color indicator - 0.6
reticulocytes - 0.1%; platelets - 385 x 109 / l; white blood cells - 4.0 x109 / l
neutrophils: metamyelocytes -0%; stab core -2%; segmented - 65%
eosinophils -3%; basophils - 0%; lymphocytes - 26%; monocytes - 4%
blood smear: microcytes, anulocytes.
In the bone marrow, the number of sideroblasts is reduced.
Молдагулова Алия Нурмухамбетовна - снайпер 54-й снайперской бригады. Она родилась 25 октября 1925 года в небольшом селе Актюбинской области. Она была казашкой. Она потеряла родителей и жила в Алматы с дядей. С 1935 года Алия жила в детском доме № 46 Ленинграда.
В начале войны переехала из Ленинграда. В 1942 году окончила 7-й класс средней школы. Училась в Рыбницком авиационном техникуме. В 1943 году окончила школу снайперов в Москве. В армии с октября 1943 года. Алия Молдагулова была храбрым и лучшим снайпером в бригаде. Алия был одним из самых храбрых солдат Второй мировой войны. Она не боялась врагов и прилагала много усилий для победы.
Алия Молдагулова была настоящим героем, потому что она ...
Она была настоящей девушкой, не боялась Второй мировой войны, она пошла в Красную Армию девушкой, у которой не было опыта стрельбы, но она могла противостоять врагу и защищать людей, среди которых жила.
она была настоящей девушкой, которая не боялась трудностей Второй мировой войны, она пошла добровольцем в Красную Армию, чтобы противостоять врагу и защищать людей, среди которых она жила.
2. The morning exercises are done by Mike every morning.
3. The house is solded by them to John.
4. Paris is visited by thousands of tourists every year.
5. He will being asked by teacher tomorrow.
6. Peter was invited by Diana to her birthday yesterday.
7. The rules will being explaned by the Head Teacher to the pupils tomorrow at the meeteng.
8. The flowers are watered by she in the classroom every week.
9. The composition was written by the students about their native town last week.
10. This poem must be learnt by heart by them.
11. This problem will being solved by him in a month.
12. This house was built by my father many years ago.
13. The copy-book will being given by Mary on Monday.
14. Our flat is cleaned by my mum every week.
15. Helen was invited by Mike to his birthday yesterday.
16. My exercise-book wast lost last week.
17. This rule will being explaned by the teacher tomorrow.
18. This beautiful house was built by my grandfather many years ago.
19. Her picture will being showed by she in a month.
20. Fairy-tales are read by children.
21. A big dog was caught by my friends yesterday.
22. Some fruit will being bought by us next Sunday at the market.
23. A difficult job was choosen by she a year ago.
24. English is spoken by millions of people all over the world.
25Romeo and Juliet was written by W.Shakespeare in 1591.
26. All things will being repaired by his father at home next week.
27. Some important news is told by Our Head Teacher.
28. My sausages often eaten by my cat.