Переделать предложения из утвердительных в вопросительные! 1. The experimental passenger cars will have a test run on a specially built track.
2. Before 1895, only steam-driven locomotives operated on US railroads.
3. This new train develops a very high speed since it is fitted with powerful engines.
4. Special railroads such as funiculars are used on steep grades in the Alps.
5. Commuter trains leave from Victoria Station every hour.
Это может быть большим (маленьким, длинным, коротким, широким, узким, толстым, тонким)
2) It's made of glass (paper, cloth, stone). -Это может быть сделано из
стекла, бумаги, материи, камня)
3) It's wooden (plastic, metallic, organic). - Это может быть деревянным, пластиковым, металлическим, органическим.
4) You can eat it (play with it, read it, listen to it). - Вы можете есть его, играть с ним, читать его, слушать его.
5) It's round (square, oval, triangular). - Это может быть круглым, квадратным, овальным, треугольным.
6) It's used when... - Его используют, когда
7) It's used for... - Его используют для
8) I like it because... - Мне это нравится, потому что
Возьмём для примера слово "Яблоко"Let's take an apple as an example:
Guess: What is it? Угадай, что это?
1 It can be big or small.
2 It isn't made of anything.
3 It's organic.
4 You can eat it.
5 It's round
6 It's used when you want to have a light snack
7.It's used for eating and sometimes for baking.
8 I like it because it's tasty and sweet but
I don't like it if it is rotten or small and sour.
English King Henry VIII, when he wanted to get married again, he didn't conspired with the Roman Pope and established his Church of England. And relations between Ireland and England especially have been soured since that time, because Ireland remained Catholic, but England already wasn't Catholic and don't particularly want to tolerate Catholics. From the end of XVII to XVIII century under the pretext of fighting the Catholic conspiracies British authorities issued a series of punitive laws, which deprived the Irish Catholics of political and largely civil rights and established a system of gross national and religious discrimination.
Irish, under such conditions slowly began to emigrate to America.
Discrimination has been continued rather long, until North American War of Independence broke out, but in France - revolution. Against the background of these events, which was backed by their own desire to be free, Ireland has inflamed the national liberation movement.