.Переделайте сказуемое из активного залога на сказуемое в пассивном залоге.
Образец: is discussing(обсуждает) – is being discussed(обсуждается)
Detected, build, has opened, is doing, will sell, broke, was writing, had produced, will have sold, was buying, won, will translate.
Can you sleep at night knowing I am awake?
Can you read English texts?
Can you buy this fridge?
Can you guess my next move?
You can't study hard.
You can't be so selfish!
You can't read it very fast.
You can't do it because of you headache.
You can't buy my love.
Can they be still laughing? It's an old joke!
Can she be still running? It's late!
Can you be still smiling? You are not serios at all!
Can you be still gumping? It's annoying!
Can he be still sitting here? I'm tired .
She can't be still dancing.
They can't be still hanging out.
He can't be still watching TV.
You can't be still washing your plates.
They can't be still playing computer games
The Tsar Bell,Cathedral of the Archangel