Перефразировать предложения в соответствии с заданием Paraphrase the sentences using the passive voice with modal verbs.
1) You must have read the patient leaflet carefully before taking the pills.
2) You may not get the cast off until your bones grow back together.
3) You should call an ambulance immediately after the accident.
4) She is very lazy. If you want her to do anything, you have to force her.
5) This hospital can no longer serve the needs of the community, they should have built a new one years ago.
6) No one is able to explain UFO sightings easily.
7) We must not give a child everything he or she wants.
8) Hopefully, scientists will have cured cancer by the year 2050.
9) Benjamin would have won the competition if they hadn’t canceled it.
10) The doctors could have persuaded her, but they let her decide.
11) The earthquake might have injured many people if they weren’t evacuated.
12) Eventually humanity will discover the elixir of eternal life.
1) Пианинода ойнайтын адам менің ағам
2) Музыканы естігеннен кейін біз сөйлесуді қойдық
3) Газетті қарап отырып, ол қызықты мақаланы байқады
4) Студенттер жасаған жаттығулар оңай болды
5) Шетелге сапар шегу кезінде ол Әулие Павел соборына барды
6) Келген команда кеше қонақ үйге тоқтады
1) the man playing the piano is my uncle
2) After hearing the music, we stopped talking
3) Looking through the newspaper, she noticed an interesting article
4) The exercises done by the students were easy
5) While traveling abroad, he visited St. Paul's Cathedral
6) The arrived team stayed at the hotel yesterday