Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя модальный глагол need.
1. Why do you want to do it all day?
2. It is not necessary to take the six-thirty. A later train will do as well.
3. There is no reason for you to worry: he is as strong as a horse.
4. There is no need for you to be present.
5. Is it any use our going into all that now?
1. Have they just fastened the safety belts? What have they just fastened? Why have they just fastened the safety belts? Who has just fastened the safety belts?
2. Does Susan usually travel by bus? How does Susan usually travel? Where does Susan usually travel by bus? Who usually travels by bus?
3. Did her friends travel by bus last year? When did her friends travel by bus? How did her friends travel last year? Who travelled by bus last year?
4. Will David go to Turkey by ship? How will David go to Turkey? Where will David go by ship? Who will go to Turkey by ship?
.Страна свободы и равенства — Америка — ежегодно привлекает к себе тысячи туристов.Конечно, каждый хоть раз слышал про Великий Каньон и Ниагарский водопад, статую Свободыи Аллею звезд, Бродвей и Пентагон.Никого не оставляют равнодушными такие величественные сооружения, как мост «Золотые Ворота» или Эмпайр-Стейт-Билдинг, и, конечно, всем хорошо знакомы Лос-Анджелес, Майами, Нью-Йорк...