Перекласти на українську мову. life is you, it's what makes up you. in life, you come across and experience many things. there are obstacles that you need to overcome and problem solve. life isn't easy and the only way to overcome is to fight, try your hardest and never give up. there are ups and downs but in the end, you have to think, challenge yourself and move on with life. do good deeds when living, and live your life properly, treasure every moment and every breath you take. "you have to take the good with the bad and smile with the sad, love what you got and remember what you had, always forgive but never forget, learn from your mistakes but never regret, people change things go wrong but remember life goes on"
"Ви повинні приймати хороше й погане, і з сумною усмішкою любити те, що маєте, і пам'ятайте те, що з вами було, завжди пробачайте, але ніколи не забувайте, вчіться на своїх помилках, але ніколи не шкодуйте, людина може все погане виправити, але пам'ятайте, життя продовжується".