Перепишите и переведите те предложения, сказуемые которых стоят в разных формах страдательного залога. Выпишите сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму 1.They will have reduced the delivery terms by the end of the year.
2.The output of agricultural products has seriously been affected by weather conditions.
3.The shareholders’ meeting was being held all day long yesterday.
4.A new joint venture in the service sector had been set up by the time of his return.
Francis Drake was born in Devon, England, in around 1540.
He went to sea at an early age and in 1563 became the first Englishman to sell slaves from Africa in the New World. The Spanish called him a pirate because of his expedition against Spanish ports in the Caribbean.
In December 1577 Drake was secretly sent by Queen Elizabeth I to set off on an expedition against the Spanish colonies on the American Pacific coast. He left his homeland with 5 ships under his command, but by the time he reached the Pacific Ocean in October 1578 only one was left.
Drake travelled up the west coast of South America hoping to find a route across to the Atlantic but then he turned south and crossed the Pacific.
Despite all the difficulties Drake arrived in England in September 1580 with his ship filled with gold and spices.
That is how he became the first Englishman to sail around the world. Because of this the Queen made him a knight.
Besides this achievement Sir Francis Drake is known for his participation in the war between England and Spain. In 1588 he was a vice admiral in the fleet that defeated the Armada, the Spanish Fleet.
Drake died in Panama on 28 January 1596.