Перепишите предложения в косвенной речи.
1) Mary said, "Our expedition tour took place last year." - Mary said that
2) Tom said, "Are you arriving in London next week?" - Tom asked
3) Her mother said, "When did you get home?" - Mother asked her daughter
4) Our teacher said, "Collect your workbooks!" - Our teacher asked
Ann said, "I will send you the tickets without delay tomorrow." - Ann said to us that she would send us the tickets without delay the next day.
Explanation: "Were able to" is used to talk about past abilities or skills.
2. On entering the house I could smell something burning in the kitchen.
Explanation: "Could" is used to talk about general ability in the past.
3. If you work quickly, you should be able to finish on time.
Explanation: "Should be able to" is used to talk about future possibilities or expectations.
4. Ann couldn't read yet though she’s almost six.
Explanation: "Couldn't" is used to talk about inability or lack of ability in the past.
5. When we lived on the coast, we could swim in the sea every day.
Explanation: "Could" is used to talk about general ability in the past.
6. Gordon survived because he was able to find his way out of the jungle.
Explanation: "Was able to" is used to talk about past abilities or skills.
7. Last week he was able to arrange a meeting with the Prime Minister.
Explanation: "Was able to" is used to talk about past abilities or skills.
8. I’m not usually very good at tennis, but yesterday I was able to beat my brother.
Explanation: "Was able to" is used to talk about past abilities or skills.
9. Tom hasn't been able to finish his work for three days. Something’s gone wrong.
Explanation: "Hasn't been able to" is used to talk about inability or lack of ability in the past until now.
10. He hasn't been able to fix the tap so he called a plumber.
Explanation: "Hasn't been able to" is used to talk about inability or lack of ability in the past until now.
11. He read the message but he couldn't understand it.
Explanation: "Couldn't" is used to talk about inability or lack of ability in the past.
12. Our baby should be able to walk in a few weeks.
Explanation: "Should be able to" is used to talk about future possibilities or expectations.
13. Although the pilot was badly hurt he could explain what had happened.
Explanation: "Could" is used to talk about general ability in the past.
Мужчина увидел большое дерево. Он решил отдохнуть под ним. Поскольку солнце было очень жарким, мужчина надел одну из кепок на голову и положил все остальные кепки на землю под деревом. Он пообедал, потом лег и вскоре уснул.
Когда он проснулся, он не мог найти кепки. "Где мои кепки?" - кричал он. Нигде их не было. Внезапно он взглянул вверх. И что он увидел? Он увидел много обезьян на дереве, и у каждой обезьяны была кепка мужчины на голове!
"Верните мои кепки!" - кричал мужчина. Но обезьяны не могли понять его. Они смеялись, прыгали и играли с кепками. Мужчина просил и просил обезьян отдать ему кепки, но обезьяны его не понимали. Они только смеялись.
Мужчина сильно разозлился на обезьян. Он снял свою кепку, бросил ее на землю и крикнул: "Если вы хотите мои кепки, можете взять и эту тоже!" И знаете, что сделали обезьяны? Они сняли кепки и бросили их на землю! Вот так мужчина вернул все свои кепки.
Конечно, он был очень счастлив. Он быстро взял все свои кепки и ушел.
Task II: реши, верны ли следующие утверждения или ложны, исправь ложные утверждения.
1. One day a man went to the baker's to sell caps. (False. One day a man who made caps went to the market to sell them.)
2. The man passed by a lake. (False. The man passed by a long river.)
3. The day was very hot and the man was tired. (True.)
4. The man saw a large mountain. (False. The man saw a large tree.)
5. When the man woke up he didn't find the caps. (True.)
6. Each monkey had the cap on its head. (True.)
7. The monkeys understood him well. (False. The monkeys couldn't understand the man. They only laughed.)
8. The man went away without his caps. (False. The man quickly took all his caps and went away.)