Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их, обращая внимание на особенности перевода на язык определений, выраженных именем существительным. the length of transmissionlines of 400 kv and higher voltagesis 4900 km. this includes shopassistants, managers, automobile repair specialists, and, certainly, senior managers. the contract period was 18 months. the video game industry in 2005 became a 29 billion dollar business. we help companies optimize their business processes, by effective using of modern it technologies. many of the northern and scottish cities also experience sharply enhanced rush hours.
2. They have new suits.
3. These metals are hard.
4. Those ships are the Russian ones.
5. We heard their voices.
6. Their dogs don't eat bread.
7. The plates were on the table.
8. Those towns are large.
9. We were talking to her in the street yesterday.
10. Are those girls your sisters?
11. We shall give you our book.
12. These stories will be the good ones.
13. Are these a good matches?
14. The boys put their books on the desk.
15. They took off their hats.
16. Those houses are new.
17. The pupils put their books into bags.
18. Are these students coming with us?
Summer is over. We like to go for a walk to the forest in September and pick up mushrooms. It is a season when the trees are fantastic — yellow, red, green and brown. The trees are loosing their leaves. Now the ground is like a carpet of many colours. It gets dark earlier and often heavy clouds cover the sky bringing rain. Birds don’t sing their songs. They begin to leave for warm countries. November is the month of fog, rain and snow. Animals put on their winter coats. Autumn is a very beautiful season, that’s why I like it.