Перепишите следующие предложения, определите в каждом из них видовременную форму и залог глагола-сказуемого (см. образец). Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. He said that our machines met their requirements and they were interested in buying them.
2. I’ve studied the new model closely.
3. Our machines are of high quality therefore customers are pleased with them.
4. He said he had received a lot of orders for our products.
решить и если есть возможность объясните, так -как есть еще два таких задания.
What are your plans for the summer?
- i am going to take a cruise to the Bahamas.
2. - i don't know, how to save this file
- don't worry, i will help you
3. What have you been doing?
- i've been organizing a party.
4. Are you enjoying the festival?
- yes, very much!
5. Can't you tidy up?
- but i'm doing my homework.
6. Does you ever seen a monster?
-No, i don't.
7. What was the nightmare about?
- i was trying to get to an exam, but my legs just wouldn't move.
8. What are these eggs for?
- i am going to bake a cake for Tom's birthday
9. I'm going out for a walk. Are you staying here?
- no, i will come too.
10. How do you gets ideas for your sculptures?
- i read a lot and get inspiration from history.
2)-Where is Tom?
-I dont know.He said that he will come at 5 o`clock
3)This is very difficult decision.I will ask my friend about his opinion.
4)My friend always says:"Some people are so used to mobile phones.What they will do without them?"
5)-Brother,I think that i forgot my keys inside...
-Its okay,We just will sit here and wait till our parents return
1)-There is raining outside.Where are you going?
-I am going to have a walk.There are many things to think about
2)-Okay,we locked.What now?
-Now we going to wait till someone comes
3)I am going to become the greatest translaitor.You will see!!
4)-Where is he going?
-Dont ask me.He always do that when he have a bad mood.I am going to ask him about it
5)-What happening?
-I dont know.I am going to find out it