Перепишите следующие сложноподчиненные предложения, подчеркните в них придаточные и укажите, являются ли они дополнительными (Д) или определительными (О): 1. We may expect a short circuit results in wire fault and cable fault. 2. The device involving diodes is limited in the variety of functions it can produce. 3. We know the current is a path of an electric current. 4. The method you have described has some advantages. 5. We learned quite recently the instrument was not of the highest quality. 6. Some of the properties, which we now associate with semiconductors, have been known for a century or more. 7. Some of the main reasons for the growth of integrated circuits are that they are small and light, more reliable than discrete circuits, have fewer connections, can be mass-produced and therefore are cheap.
Солнце,море и песчаный пляж это все делает идеальный отдых. Отдых на пляже это очень хороший праздник для многих людей,но знаешь ли ты как появились пляжи? Обычно они располагаются в прибережной полосе. Пляжам нужны тысячи лет,чтобы сформироваться. Море и ветер сделать их. Волны врезаются в скалистые берега, откалывают их,тем самым превращая в камни,а потом в гальку. Со временем волны размалывают камешки в песок.
Есть много типов пляжей. Каждый из этих пляжей имеет свою особенность,которая делает его уникальным. Есть пляжи с черным или зеленым песком, это результат извержения вулканов. Другие же имеют розовый или белый песок,который исходит от кораллов. Также есть каменистые пляжи, пляжи изобилующие ракушками они покрыты галькой. И наконец, есть пляжи с прекрасными песчаными холмами,напоминающие нам пустыни. Их называют дюнами.
think, is washing, are having, cook, washes, is, is travelling,is having, goes out, teaches, wear, have,am going, am looking , are trying, wears,carries , wear, are organizing, are going, is going, are going, is going, is raining.
Task 1
started, studied, didn't finish, graduated, visited, didn't work, walked, didn't travel, answered, didn't live.
Task 2
Did they play computer games yesterday?
When did they play computer games?
Where did they play computer games yesterday?
What did they do yesterday?
Why did they play computer games yesterday?
Who played computer games yesterday?
Did I (you) wash the floor in my ( your) room two days ago?
What did you do two days ago?
Why did you wash the floor in your room two days ago?
When did you wash the floor in your room?
What arrived at 9 o'clock?
When did the bus arrive?
Who rested very well last night?
What did the Smiths do last night?
When did the Smiths rest very well?
How did the Smiths rest last night?
Did she cook a delicious pie for dinner?
What kind of pie did she cook for dinner?
Who cooked a delicious pie for dinner?
Why did she cook a delicious pie?
TO BE: Task 1
1 was
2 was the weather terrible?
3 was it cold or rainy?
4 wasn't
5 was, was
6 weren't
7 weren't, were
8 was the TV set broken?
9 weren't, were
10 weren't, were