Переведите грамотно dear maria.thanks for your letter. i`m glad to hear that everything is going well. i`m sorre i haven`t written for so long bat i`ve been really busy looking out for a summer job.you asked me about my plans for summer holidays.well, now i`m working in a camp shop.i`m glab that i`ve got this job, because i`ve always wanted to be in a `people` type of job.i like meeting new people, helping and talking to them. i think that working at the camp helps me to learn how to be responsible for a of different things.if people complain, i know to deal with them.i`m getting lots of valuable practical experience that may be useful for the future.as you know, i want to go on to studuy business and law at university.one of my favorite parts of working is belonging to a team and meeting people from lots of different places.i`m usually at work from about 9 am until 5 pm and i check people in and serve holidaymakers.i enjoi working at the camp- everyone knows who i am and i know them! do you work during the holiday season? will this job help you in your fature career? are summer iobs popular with teenagers in your country ?
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