Переведите на 1)роналд вуд главный директор этого банка 2)ненси хорошо рисует портреты 3)ты можешь починить велосипед? 4)ты добираешься до университета на автобусе? 5)она часто приглашает друзей в гости 6)он не моет руки перед едой.
1) Ronald Wood is the general director of this bank 2) Nancy is good in drawing portraits 3) Can you repair the bicycle? 4) Did you go to the university by bus? 5) She often invites friends to visit her 6) He washes his hands before eating
1) Ronald Wood is the main director of thise bank 2) Nancy paints portraits well 3) you can fix the bicycle? 4) you get to the University by bus? Is not it? 5) She often invites friends to visit her 6) he does not wash his hands before eating.
2) Nancy is good in drawing portraits
3) Can you repair the bicycle?
4) Did you go to the university by bus?
5) She often invites friends to visit her
6) He washes his hands before eating
вроде бы так..
2) Nancy paints portraits well
3) you can fix the bicycle?
4) you get to the University by bus? Is not it?
5) She often invites friends to visit her
6) he does not wash his hands before eating.