Переведите на stitching for gathering. sections which require easing or gathering should be stitched with a long stitch (6 to 10 to the inch) in matching color thread. long threads at the ends of the stitching are to be left. threads at one end around a pin have to be anchored,then the bobbin thread at the other end is picked up and gently drawn up to form the amount of easing or gathering. sometimes a heavier thread is used on the bobbin. stitching for reinforcement. areas where there is strain or a need for reinforcement, such as points of collars, cuffs, gussets, pointed faced openings of necklines, underarm seam of kimono sleeves, will need a finer, tighter stitch, usually 16 to 20 stitches to the inch.
Шить для армирования. Местах, где есть напряжение, или необходимость для армирования, таких как точки воротники, манжеты, вставки, отверстия, вырезы, подмышечный шов рукава-кимоно, плотная стежка, обычно от 16 до 20 стежков на дюйм.