Переведите предложения : gemma- i met sophie at university / i was on my own and she came up and talked to me she's like that / what's interesting is that we're complete opposites / she's very happy to meet new people but i'm really shy she's very sociable i'm quiet she's sporty and i'm not / but it wasn't important / we became friend's and shared a flat for two years / i'm very organizet and did most of the housework / sophie's not very tidy and she can be lazy around the house / but she's a great cook and a really nice person / on my own alone or without other people be complete opposites be very different shy if you're shy you can't talk easily to people you don't know / sociable friendly and good at it share a flat live in the same flat as another person organized an organised person plans things well / a tidy person likes everything to be in the right place / opp untidy lazy / a lazy person doesn't like working / opp hardworking /
Glossary: (Словарь:)
/ On my own: alone or without other people - самостоятельно в одиночку или без других людей;
/ be complete opposites: be very different - быть полными противоположностями; быть очень разными;/
/to be shy: if you're shy you can't talk easily to people you don't know - если вы застенчивы, Вы не можете легко общаться с людьми, которых Вы не знаете.
/Sociable: friendly and like to talk - Общительный, дружелюбный, любит поговорить.
/share a flat: live in the same flat as another person - вместе жить в одной квартире,
/organized: an organised person plans things well - организованный человек хорошо планирует вещи;
/ A tidy person: likes everything to be in the right place - аккуратный, опрятный (организованный) человек, любит, чтобы все было на своём месте; / -антоним: неопрятная и ленивая: lazy
/a lazy person: doesn't like working - ленивый человек не любит работать.
/hardworking: трудолюбивый человек/