Переведите прямую речь в косвенную. 1. Helen: I enjoy watching feature films on TV.
2. Dan: My parents always turn on TV in the evening.
3.Teens: Yesterday we spent about five hours a day watching TV.
4. Jess: Last night I watched my favourite programme on Сhannel 1.
5.Bob and Ann: Tomorrow we will go to the cinema instead of watching TV at home.
6 Children: Next week I will go to our friends.
7. Sam: The junk food advertisements should be banned.
8. People:Commercials can be creative,informative and useful.
9. Mum: I have just received a letter from my brother.
10. Dad: I have turned off the TV. Good night!
Dear Steve,
I was very glad to hear from you again. I haven't written for ages because of my school activities.
In your letter you ask me to tell you about my favorite kind of sports. With a pleasure. I like many kinds of sports but best of all I like football. It's the game of my dream. I play for my school football club "The Best". We are good players and we have won a lot of competitions recently.
Besides it I'm a football fan and I have been at the stadium several times. And what about you? Tell me about your favorite kind of sports. That's for me today. I have to go.
Best regards to your family.
Write soon.
Государство на северо-западе Европы, на Британских островах. Занимает остров Великобритания (Англия, Шотландия и Уэльс) и часть острова Ирландия, а также самостоятельные административные единицы - остров Мэн и Нормандские острова.
Великобритания омывается Атлантическим океаном на севере и западе, Северным морем на востоке и Ирландским морем на западе, на юге отделена от материка проливами Ла-Манш и Па-Де-Кале. На западе и севере страны преобладает гористый, сильно рассеченный рельеф, на юго-востоке и в центре - возвышенные равнины и пустоши. Высшая точка - г.Бен-Невис в Шотландии (1343 м.). Общая площадь страны 244,1 тыс. кв. км.