Переведите следующие предложения письменно в тетради. В скобках рядом с предложением укажите, в каком значении употребляется модальный глагол. 1. Я не могу смотреть телевизор по вечерам, у меня слишком много дел.
2. Решение может быть очень можешь мне поверить.
3. Вы должны приходить на работу вовремя.
4. Мэри пришлось внимательно слушать, чтобы понять его.
5. Тебе не следует есть так много конфет! Это же плохо для тебя.
6. Нам следует сделать все возможное, чтобы им.
7. Холодильник полон. Тебе незачем идти за продуктами.
a) Cambridge is formed from a variety of institutions, isn't it?
b) All the colleges are self-governing institutions within the university, aren't they?
c) It does not have a main campus, does it?
d) The university also operates eight cultural and scientific museums, doesn't it?
e) Cambridge has educated many prominent scientists, politicians, lawyers,
philosophers, hasn't it?
f) There are 31 colleges with 18,271 students with 9,823 academic and
administrative staff members at Cambridge University, aren't there?
g) No college is as old as the university itself, isn't it?
h) Cambridge is now the only remaining United Kingdom university with female only colleges, isn't it?
1. I don't fancy going out tonight.
2. She avoided telling him about her plans.
3. I would like to come to the party with you.
4. He enjoys having a bath in the evening.
5. She kept talking during the film.
6. I am learning to speak English
7. Do you mind giving me a hand?
8. She helped me to carry my suitcases.
9. I've finished cooking. Come and eat!
10. He decided to study Biology.
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11waiting, 12to come,13 to help, 14going, 15bringing,16 taking, 17to visit,18 to go, 19starting,20 to leave.
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She delayed getting out of bed.
He demanded to speak to the manager.
I offered to help.
I miss going to the beach.
We postponed doing our homework.
I'd hate to arrive too late.
She admitted stealing the money.
I choose to work here.
She waited to buy a drink.
I really appreciate being on holiday.
I couldn't help laughing.
It seems to be raining.
I considered moving to Spain.
They practised speaking.
Finally I manage to finish the work.
I really can't stand waiting for the bus.
Unfortunately, we can't afford to buy a new car this year.
She risked being late.
I'd love to come with you.
I prepared to go on holiday.