Перевести диалог a: i saw a documentary on tv last night, and it really opened my eyes about poverty in the developing world. b: really? a: yes. it's shocking. for example, did you know that half the people in the world live on less that $2 a day? that's nearly 3 billion people! b: really? i didn't know that. a: it's true and hat's more, 30,000 children die every day around the world because of lack of food and medicine and a permanent home. b: goodness me! that's terrible! a: it is, isn't it? b: so what can we do to help? a: well, i think the problem happens because people don't get a good education. b: yes, i think you're probably right. a: and if people don't get a good education then they can't find jobs. b: true. and if they aren't able to find jobs, then they can't earn any money. a: exactly. i think the government should set up better schools. b: i agree. they could also have a system which trains people for jobs. a: yes, both solutions would certainly help the situation.