Перевести: маша, сходи в магазин. хорошо мама.давай составим список покупок. у нас нет капусты и моркови для супа.и купи помидоров и лука. можно купить печенья? да,купи печенья и хлеба.
Masha, go to the magazine .Good mama. come on make a shopping list.We do not have cabbage and carrots for supa.I buy tomatoes and onions.You can buy cookies?Yes, buy biscuits and bread.
- Masha, go to the shop. - Okay mom. Let's make a shopping list. - We don't have a cabbage and carrots for soup. And buy some tomatoes and alliums. - Can I buy some cookies? - Yes, buy some cookies and bread.
- Okay mom. Let's make a shopping list.
- We don't have a cabbage and carrots for soup. And buy some tomatoes and alliums.
- Can I buy some cookies?
- Yes, buy some cookies and bread.