Перевести на : мою лучшую подругу зовут вика. она такого же возраста как я - ей 16 лет. у неё короткая стрижка, темные волосы, карие глаза. мы познакомились с ней год назад, когда я перешла в эту школу. поначалу мы не общались, ночуть позже начали гулять вместе. она меня познакомила со своей компанией, а я её со своей. теперь все мы одна компания. вика моя одноклассница и мы сидим за одной партой. иногда она меня сильно раздражает, особенно когда злится из-за того, что я буду её на уроках. мы разные,но почему то сошлись. она открытая, весёлая, любит общаться с людьми. мне кажется, я - наоборот: мне не сильно нравится заводить новые знакомства, я весёлая и открытая только в кругу близких. когда мне грустно, то я могу прийти к ней и она меня утешить. она мне всегда . на самом деле, сейчас я не представляю своей жизни без вики.
My best friend is Vika. She is the same age as me - she is 16 years old. She has a short haircut, dark hair, brown eyes. We met her a year ago when I moved to this school. At first we didn’t communicate, a little later we started to walk together. She introduced me to her company, and I introduced her to her. Now we are all one company. Vika is my classmate and we are sitting at the same desk. Sometimes she annoys me a lot, especially when I get angry because I will be in class. We are different, but for some reason we agreed. She is very open, cheerful, likes to communicate with people. It seems to me that I am - on the contrary: I do not like to make new friends very much, I am cheerful and open only in the circle of relatives. When I feel sad, I can come to her and she will console me. She always helps me. In fact, now I can not imagine my life without Vicki
my best friend in vika.She is the same age as me - she is 16 years old. She has a short haircut, dark hair, brown eyes. I met her a year ago when I moved to this school. At first we didn’t communicate, a little later we started to walk together. She introduced me to her company, and I introduced her to her. Now we are all one company. Vika is my classmate and we are sitting at the same desk. Sometimes she annoys me a lot, especially when I get angry because I will be in class. We are different, but for some reason we agreed. She is very open, cheerful, likes to communicate with people. It seems to me that I am - on the contrary: I do not like to make new friends very much, I am cheerful and open only in the circle of revatiles.When I feel sad, I can come to her and she will console me. She always helps me. In fact, now I can not imagine my life without Vika