2. She has just received a letter from her cousin.
3. It was very warm last night.
4. He has already invited his friends to his birthday party .
5. I have just written a composition.
6. You told me about it three days ago!
7. Friends have just talked about their plans for the future.
1. I have a cat and my sister has a hamster. I must feed my cat and I have to take care of my sister’s hamster when she is too busy.
2. Cody has a puppy. The vet says she mustn't give the dog any chocolate. She mustn't take her dog for a walk four times a day, as the dog is too small.
3. I mustn't forget about my best friend’s birthday. I have to save some of my pocket money to buy her a gift.
4. Mum says we mustn't eat food in our room. If we do we will have to tidy it ourselves.
5. I know we must do our homework every day. We have to stay after classes today, as we didn’t do our homework yesterday.
6. She must babysit her little brother as her parents haven’t come home yet. She mustn't leave her child alone.
7. My mum have to work on Saturday now. I must take the rubbish out before she comes home.
1. Ты хочешь одолжить журнал. Could I borrow the journal?
2. Ты хочешь узнать который час. Could I ask you what's the time is it?
3. Ты хочешь, чтобы тебе с домашним заданием. Could you help me with homework?
4. Ты хочешь, чтобы в душной комнате открыли окно. Could you open the window?
5. Ты хочешь воспользоваться этим компьютером. Could I use this computer?
Good health is very important for very person. Still, sometimes we get ill, we call a doctor, and he examines us and diagnoses the illness. When we have a headache, a stomach ache, a sore throat, a cold, or a pain in some parts of the body, we call a doctor. He takes our temperature and our pulse. He examines our heart, our lungs, our stomach or the part where we have pain, and tells us what the matter is with us. The doctor prescribes medicine, and gives us a prescription, which we take to the chemist's, who makes up the medicine.
Хороше здоров'я дуже важливе для будь-якої людини. Проте, іноді ми хворіємо, і ми викликаємо лікаря, він оглядає нас і діагностує хвороби. Коли у нас головний біль, болі в животі, болі в горлі, нежить або біль в деяких інших частинах тіла, ми викликаємо лікаря. Він вимірює температуру і пульс. Він досліджує наше серце, легені, наш шлунок або ту частину тіла, де у нас є біль, і каже нам в чому справа з нами. Лікар виписує ліки і дає нам рецепт, який ми несемо в аптеку, яка виготовляє ліки.
1. The students wrote a grammar test yesterday.
2. She has just received a letter from her cousin.
3. It was very warm last night.
4. He has already invited his friends to his birthday party .
5. I have just written a composition.
6. You told me about it three days ago!
7. Friends have just talked about their plans for the future.
1. I have a cat and my sister has a hamster. I must feed my cat and I have to take care of my sister’s hamster when she is too busy.
2. Cody has a puppy. The vet says she mustn't give the dog any chocolate. She mustn't take her dog for a walk four times a day, as the dog is too small.
3. I mustn't forget about my best friend’s birthday. I have to save some of my pocket money to buy her a gift.
4. Mum says we mustn't eat food in our room. If we do we will have to tidy it ourselves.
5. I know we must do our homework every day. We have to stay after classes today, as we didn’t do our homework yesterday.
6. She must babysit her little brother as her parents haven’t come home yet. She mustn't leave her child alone.
7. My mum have to work on Saturday now. I must take the rubbish out before she comes home.
1. Ты хочешь одолжить журнал. Could I borrow the journal?
2. Ты хочешь узнать который час. Could I ask you what's the time is it?
3. Ты хочешь, чтобы тебе с домашним заданием. Could you help me with homework?
4. Ты хочешь, чтобы в душной комнате открыли окно. Could you open the window?
5. Ты хочешь воспользоваться этим компьютером. Could I use this computer?
Good health is very important for very person. Still, sometimes we get ill, we call a doctor, and he examines us and diagnoses the illness. When we have a headache, a stomach ache, a sore throat, a cold, or a pain in some parts of the body, we call a doctor. He takes our temperature and our pulse. He examines our heart, our lungs, our stomach or the part where we have pain, and tells us what the matter is with us. The doctor prescribes medicine, and gives us a prescription, which we take to the chemist's, who makes up the medicine.
Хороше здоров'я дуже важливе для будь-якої людини. Проте, іноді ми хворіємо, і ми викликаємо лікаря, він оглядає нас і діагностує хвороби. Коли у нас головний біль, болі в животі, болі в горлі, нежить або біль в деяких інших частинах тіла, ми викликаємо лікаря. Він вимірює температуру і пульс. Він досліджує наше серце, легені, наш шлунок або ту частину тіла, де у нас є біль, і каже нам в чому справа з нами. Лікар виписує ліки і дає нам рецепт, який ми несемо в аптеку, яка виготовляє ліки.