Перевидите in northern india they harvest their wheat in spring, which is in late february or early march. this is also the time for holi, a hindu harvest festival that lasts five days. people dress up and light fires. farmers decorate their cows with flowers and let them run free in the streets. chuseok is the korean harvest moon festival and an important holiday in korea. the festival lasts for three days, usually sometime between august and october. children dress up and people make sweet rice cakes with fresh fruit.
Чусок,корейский Хэрвиест Мун фестиваль и важный праздник в Корее. Праздник длится в течении 3-х дней,обычно в период между августом и октябрем. Дети наряжаются,а люди делают сладкие рисовые лепешки со свежими фруктами.