Перевидите what do you want to be in future? - i have often heard this question. sometimes it is difficult to answer this question, sometimes not. little children usually dream of an unusual profession. some of them want to become spacemen, others want to discover new lands, thirds- to dive in deep seas. but most of them want to be famous, so they usually want to become a star- a film star, a pop star, a football star and so on. i used to dream of being a film star as well when i was a little boy. i don't know for certain what i shall do, but i think the best way to prepare myself for a future job is to get a good education. jods are changing and constantly appearing. in a few years, where will be more new jobs and nobody knows what they will be. but good education cannot solfe the problem alone. it is important to have good health to face difficulties and changes. that's why i pay great attention to sports.
Я не знаю наверняка, что именно я буду делать, но думаю,что лучший подготовить себя к будущей работе- получить хорошее образование.Вакансии меняются и постоянно появляются.В некоторые года, когда будет много новых профессий и никто не будет знать, кем они будут.Но хорошее образование не может решить эту проблему в одиночку. Важно иметь хорошее здоровье,сталкиваться с трудностями и изменениями.\вот почему я уделяю большое внимание спорту.