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02.11.2021 20:27 •  Английский язык

Перевод предложений ненужен Decide which of the following statements (items 1-10) are True (A), False (B) or Not Stated (C).
1.Most of all the son liked reading.
A. True B. False C. Not stated

2.The old man saw that his son would be killed by a huge bear.
A. True B. False C. Not stated

3.The old man build a nice big house for his son.
A. True B. False C. Not stated

4.The old man's son was against killing animals.
A. True B. False C. Not stated

5.The son liked staying inside the house.
A. True B. False C. Not stated

6.There was a fox, a bear and a tiger in the pictures.
A. True B. False C. Not stated

7.The old man decorated the house with the most expensive pictures.
A. True B. False C. Not stated
8.The old man’s son says that he can not climb the mountains.
A. True B. False C. Not stated

9.The old man called for a doctor but the doctor could not help his son.
A. True B. False C. Not stated

10.The old man failed to save his son.
A. True B. False C. Not stated

II .Read the sentences and find the correct ending or answer.
1. Students go to school
a) to dance b)to study c)to read d)to play e) to write
2. Students write with
a) paint b)pens c)water d)glue e) rules
3. You open an umbrella when it is
a) fine b) rainy c)cloudy d)hot e)foggy
4. You go to the shop
a) to sell something b)to buy something c)to find something d) to see somebody
e) to lose something
5. Your friend has a birthday. What do you say?
a) How do you do? b) Many happy returns! c) Get better! d ) Don`t worry
e) Hello!
6. You decorate a New Year tree with
a) flowers b)paper c)toys d) money e) candies
7. You bathe in the river when it is
a) foggy b) rainy c) snowy d) fine e) stormy
8. You can see many animals in
a) the shop b) the circus c) the café d)the office e) the playground
9. You are hungry. You want
a)to drink b)to sleep c)to eat d) to rest e) to play
10. Sausage is made of
a) butter b) meat c) milk d) vegetables e)potato
11. Doctors usually ask about your
a)studies b) mood c) health d) money e) family
12.Your father`s sister is your
a) aunt b) uncle c)cousin d) sister e) nephew
13. You can buy books
a) in the library b) in the shop c) in the office d)at school e)in the forest
14. We go to the forest
a) to hike b) to swim c) to play d) to eat e) to dance
15. Cheese is made of
a) sugar b) vegetables c) meat d) milk e) sausage
16. You are thirsty. You want
a) to drink b) to eat c) to sleep d) to work e) to rest
17. Your friend is lucky. That`s why he is
a) upset b) happy c) thirsty d) hungry e) sad
18) Your friend is upset. What do you say?
a) What is the weather like? b) Who are you? c) What`s the matter?
d) What do you want? e) How are you?
19.What do you do when you want to watch a TV programme?
a) buy a TV set b) turn off a TV set c) turn on a TV set
d) take a TV set e)sit in front of a TV set
20. You are late for classes. What do you say?
a) Good day! b) Don`t be late! c) So long! d) I am sorry. e) It`s fine!
III. Ask questions of all types.
1. The cat was sleeping on the bench in the garden at 5o'clock yesterday.
2. They bought a new car at the market last week.
3. He must help his parents every day

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06.07.2021 11:23
To begin with I*d like to say that every country has its own customs, traditions and holidays. Some of the holidays are celebrated all over the world. Of course, it*s impossible to enumerate all the holidays. But I*d like to tell you about the most important and traditional in Russia. 
     There are two the most popular holidays in Russia: New Year and Christmas. New Year holiday is favourite holiday especially with children. The children believe that presents are sent by Father Frost and Snowmaden. We have the New Year day on 1 January. Before New Year we decorate the New Year tree with illumination and Christmas toys. On the night of 31 December I always stay at home with my parents. At 12 o*clock we say « Happy New Year !» and give presents to each other. 
     Christmas in Russia is celebrated on the 7 of January in the Orthogfs Church and on the 25 of December by Catholics. The holiday is connected with the wonderful birth of Jesus Christ as it is described in the Whole Bible. The Christmas tree is decorated with Christmas toys, candles, apples and sweets. People wish each other « Merry Christmas!». 
     Easter is a very popular holiday in Russia in memory of reserection of Jesus Christ. Easter has no fixed date. It*s the first Sunday after the 21 March. 
     The Day of Sovereignty of Russia is celebrated on the 12 of June. We have no special way of celebrating it but it is a day of and a national holiday. 
     The 8 of March is the womens* day. On this day men give women flowers and do all domestic work around the house. 
     The first May is a great international worker holiday. On this day people from other countries show their solidarity. 
     9 of May is a victory day is a great holiday. The 9 of May was the happy day for the people of Russia who won the war over fashizm from 1941-1945. It is celebrated with the veterans of the army. 
     Constitutional Day is celebrated of the 12 of December. All the rights and duties of the Russian people are stated in the Constitution. « One of the greatest right is to learn and one of the greatest duties is to defend our countries.
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12.04.2020 09:57

У детей США много интересов. И мальчики, и девочки играют в большое количество одних и тех же игр. Они плавают, играют в бейсбол и баскетбол, плавают на лодках и ходят в походы. Молодёжные организации типа бойскаутов, гёрлскаутов, молодежных клубов Америки вовлекают детей в разные занятия. После школы дети принимают участие в различных клубах. Они занимаются фотографией, музыкой, искусством, коллекционированием марок, участвуют в театральных и прочих кружках (студиях). Часто в школах есть собственные ансамбли, хоры и спортивные секции для мальчиков и девочек. В сельской местности дети учатся работать вместе в клубах «4-H». Многие дети подрабатывают после школьных уроков. Они зарабатывают деньги, доставляя газеты или пожилым людям в домах престарелых. На летних каникулах дети ездят в лагеря, где занимаются различными видами деятельности и приобретают всевозможные навыки.  

Перевод нужен хоть в чем children in the usa have a lot of interests both boys and girls перевод тек
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