Pharasal verbs: Go, Hang, Make. Exercise ( Handout ) Fill in: around, by, for, off, out (2), over, up (2), up for.
1 Could you make ……. a list of all the things we need?
2 We can just hang …….. and have a good time.
3 I go ……. that shop every morning on my way to school.
4 I am sorry I have to hang …….. now. Someone is knocking at the door.
5 After he left the office he made straight …….. home.
6 The lawyers are busy going ……… the details of the contract.
7 Many high school students hang ……… at book stores reading comics.
8 I could make …….. a dark figure in the twilight.
9 Didn't you hear your alarm clock going …….. this morning?
10 He worked hard to make ……… his lack of experience.
She can draw very well but she can't play the piano as my granny can. We are very friendly and try to get along with each other. She is very helpful. We discuss our problems and solve them together.
I love my mother very much.
Этот человек высокого роста, коротко подстрижен, волосы русые, прямые. Лицо добродушное, открытое, глаза серые. Губы пухлые, ямочки на щеках. Скулы высокие, гладко выбрит. Нос немного курносый. Широк в плечах, носит серый костюм из дорогой ткани, модные брюки, белую рубашку с воротничком, при галстуке. Кожаные туфли. Обаятелен, молод. Бред Питт.