Phrasal Verbs Using Give Complete each sentence with off, away, back, in, out, or up
1. I have been typing all day. I think my fingers will give
2. The restaurant will be giving _free soda with every meal.
3. Jeremy will give smoking because it is unhealthy.
4. The teacher gave the test papers to the students.
5. The sun gives heat and light for the earth.
6. The criminal gave his partner to the police.
7. The mother gave to her children's requests to eat dinner at
8. I have not been able to find a new job. I think I will give and stay
with my current job.
9. Can you give the shirt you borrowed from me?
10. The flight attendants gave drinks to the passengers
11. The store is giving - $50 to the 100th customer.
12. Please take the garbage outside. It is giving_a bad smell.
13. Nobody knew it was me in the ghost costume until my mom gave me
14. After 20 years, the family's car gave _. The mechanic says he
cannot repair it.
15. Can you lend me $10? I will give it to you tomorrow.
16. Brenda is trying to make healthy choices. She will give junk
food and exercise more often.
17. This puzzle is too hard. I am giving
18. Anna gave to Max after he asked her for a date for the 10
time. They will have dinner together tonight
ДО 20.00 надо сделать осталось 2 часа
Некоторые кинотеатры показывают фильмы в послеобеденное время, ранним вечером и поздним вечером. Если ты хочешь посмотреть фильм ,который является хитом этого сезона с популярными актёрами или актрисами в главной роли , и если ты не успеваешь купить билет на кино , то можешь купить его в самых больших магазинах и отелях.
2- translation - перевод сущ. - ion
3- writer - писатель/автор сущ. - er
4- investigator - следователь сущ. - or
5- detection - расследование сущ. - ion
6- collection - коллекция сущ. - ion
7- proudly - гордо наречие - ly
8- quickly - быстро наречие -ly
9- inspector - контролер/инспектор сущ. - or
10- visitor - посетитель сущ. - or
11- slowly - медленно наречие - ly
12- examination - экзамен сущ. - ion
13- conclusion - заключение/вывод сущ. - sion
14- carefully - осторожно/внимательно наречие - ful и ly
15- direction - направление сущ. - ion