Pick a suitable verb and put it in the Present Continuous form: 1. Mark the book now. hop 2. __ the frog now? plant 3. My friends me now. close 4. What you now? help 5. David and Liz seeds now. d
Мой любимый певец всех времен и народов является Ани Лорак. Она является довольно популярной певицей в России и Украине и в целом во всем мире. Что я больше всего в ней нравится это ее красивый голос. Ани Лорак-высокая красивая женщина с длинными темными волосами. Она участвовала во многих песенных конкурсах; Российская телевизионная программа «Утренняя звезда» принесла известность молодой певице Ани. Она также заняла второе место на Евровидение-2008, представляя Украину. Актриса занимается общественной деятельностью. У нее есть хорошие песни.
1. The successful Olympic Games were held in Sydney in 2000.
2. Modern Aboriginal art recently has undergone a revival as Aboriginal artists have explored ways to both preserve their ancient values and share them with a wider community.
3. I have been dreaming of going to Australia since my childhood when I read books about kangaroos.
4. Canberra has been long perceived as the “fat cat” of Australian cities, a town of politicians and bureaucrats living off the hard work of their country folk.
5. Australia's art festivals attract people from all over Australia to see mainstream and drama, dance, music and visual arts.
1. The successful Olympic Games were held in Sydney in 2000.
2. Modern Aboriginal art recently has undergone a revival as Aboriginal artists have explored ways to both preserve their ancient values and share them with a wider community.
3. I have been dreaming of going to Australia since my childhood when I read books about kangaroos.
4. Canberra has been long perceived as the “fat cat” of Australian cities, a town of politicians and bureaucrats living off the hard work of their country folk.
5. Australia's art festivals attract people from all over Australia to see mainstream and drama, dance, music and visual arts.