Письменно распределите слова в четыре колонки: noun/verb/adjective/adverb. Выделите суффиксы Entertainment, classify, nearly, friendly, protection, hardly, creative; curious, variety, sorrowful, stainless, satisfy, competent; lovely, statement, darken; cultural; generation, acceptable, agreement, realize, fully, fragrant; judgment; painless; advisable; political; protection; inventive; debate; discussion; comparatively; obvious; brightness; important; thicken; politely; childish; pollution; harmful; width; courageous; timely; announcement; frighten; economical; drizzly.
Привет, Росс.Я хочу пойти в кинотеатр,чтобы посмотреть новый фильм.Давай пойдём вместе.Я жду тебя возле кинотеатра в центре города в 5 часов.Я буду рад увидеть тебя там.Твоя подруга Лена
2)Hi,Ross!This Saturday is my birthday party.First we will go to the cinema and then we go to cafe to get tasty food.I wait for you on my birhday party at three o'clock in my house. I will called my friends too.I think will be fun, so visit me on Saturday!Your friend Lena
1.Who played basketball on the play ground?
2.Where does she go on these weekend?
3.Why do you not go to school today?
4.When this man will write his test?
5.Who was sleep at this sofa?
6.When do you go to swimming in the pool?
7.Where do you live?
8.Who dream at the lesson?
9.Where can we meet?
10.Why your brother can go to the pool alone?
2)General(did,is,are, will, has,have, do,does)
1.Did they meet yesterday?
2.Is he wearing a dress?
3.Will you can find my book?
4.Has teacher dreamt on her lessons?
5.Does he eat his soup?
6.Do you go to school today?
7.Will she buy a pet?
8.Did her mum give you a computer?
9.Have you been abroad?
10.Will you spend your holidays in the London?
3)Tag(вопрос+ в конце don't we(they,you...), doesn't he(she,it),won't(...), didn't (...)...
1.He meet his cousin on the station, won't he(will not)?
Я устала придумай по пртнципу
4)Alternative(или или)
1.He buy new phone or computer?
2.She will go to the park or go to eat?
Всю я честно устала не могу уже писать ну принцип понятно я думаю