Please 1)the country is situated in eastern europe. 1.the 2.--- 2)the russian federation is the country in the world. 1.largest 2.largerest 3.larger 3)our land is rich lakes. 1.for 3.about 4)russia occupies 1/7 of the earth surface. seventh 2.first - sevenths - seven 5)russian federation is a multinational state. 1.приставочно - суффиксальный 2.конверсия 3.словосложение 6)the judicial power belongs the system of courts. 1.for 7)the climate conditions are rather different: from arctic and moderate to subtropical and continental. 1.extreme 2.cold 3mild
Is the party going well? It sounds as if everyone’s having a great time.
Are you all wearing costumes?
I’m wearing my witch costume and Chris is wearing Ms Frankenstein costume.
Oh, he’s not wearing that old thing again!
Yeah, and he’s terrifying everyone.
What kind of games are you playing? Are you bobbing for apples:
We’re playing musical chairs and pin the tail on the donkey.
What are you eating?
Well, I made a pumpkin pie and toffee apples and the kids are really enjoying them so they’re nearly all gone.
Are you doing anything at the moment?
Is he terrifying anyone&
He is not terrifying anyone.
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