Плеаз Найди правильное окончание предложения.
Give the money to the dog – Give the money to the brother
Don`t talk to the walls
Play with the cupboard
Bring me your room
Listen to the door
Tidy some water please
Don`t draw on your brother
Clean this song
Don`t open the driver
Don`t sing the news
2- Составь отрицательное и утвердительное предложения в повелительном наклонении.
It is raining. Take your umbrella with you!
It`s raining
The water is durty
I want to look at ostriches (страусы)
It`s dark here
It`s hot and sunny today
I need to clean the flat today
My birthday is tomorrow
I`ve got a headache
have a party
go to the beach
turn on the light
play loud music
help me
go to the zoo
take your umbrella with you
swim here
2. It was brought to play with the children. Now the little one is looked after well. It is always given milk at the appropriate time. Why don't you play with your younger sister? She feels she is rejected and is not at all happy.
3. When we entered the classroom, it was quiet there. The questions were written on the black board and the answers were being written in the pupils notebooks.
4. l don't know what Bob is doing at school. He should be talked to. Lily was laughed at by her peers yesterday. And she is much offended.
6. The little guests were given some tasty treats in the sitting room.
7. Don't worry. Your plant will be looked after while you are away.
8. When will he be spoken to? — Tomorrow, I think.
9. This performance is much spoken about. Everybody seems to like the play.
10. Can't you tell me what was done. - I certainly can. The windows were cleaned, the floors were mopped, the dinner is being cooked at the moment, the furniture was dusted.
Меня зовут Джилл. У меня есть брат. Его зовут Джим. Мне семь лет, а Джиму - девять. Нам нравится ходить в школу. Мы умеем читать, писать и считать. Мы хорошо учимся. Мы нашей маме. Я убираю в комнате, Джим гуляет с Рексом в парке. Рекс - милый чёрный пёс. Мне нравится кататься на коньках, а Джиму - на велосипеде. Мы любим Рождество и любим тебя, дорогой Санта. Мы хотели бы получить Рождественские подарки. Мне бы хотелось новые коньки, а Джиму - новый велосипед. Ну а Рексу хотелось бы получить большой красный мяч. Приходи к нам! У нас красивая ёлка, есть много сладостей, яблок и апельсинов.
С Рождеством и Новым Годом!
С любовью,
Джилл, Джим и братец Рекс