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Task 1. Read the text about transportation.

Travel is something which people do every day. It is very difficult to avoid the need to travel. It may be a trip to school, university or to work. Travelling can often take a long time, especially when great distances need to be covered. People often enjoy travelling abroad for holidays.

The use of a plane is necessary for people wanting to travel very long distances. A pilot will fly a plane from an airport for many thousands of miles to take people to places far away.
A train is another mode of transport which is ideal for travelling long distances within the same country, or between countries which are connected by land. A train driver will stop at train stations on route to allow passengers wishing to proceed to the scheduled destination to board the train.
A number of destinations can be travelled to by using the sea. Some people choose to go on a cruise for their holiday, which would involve stopping at many different city ports for a short amount of time.
People who need to travel short distances may choose not to use any transport at all. People often rely on their legs to take them to places nearby.

Choose the best option between A, B, C or D for questions 1-3.

1. It is difficult to avoid travelling because… [1]
A) people need to go to another countries
B) people wait for it very much
C) people cannot but travel
D) people do it every day

2. To travel by plane takes a long time when… [1]
A) there is a lot of people
B) there are great distances
C) there is much oil
D) there is a good weather

3. Where do people travel often? [1]
A) abroad for study
B) abroad for holidays
C) abroad for visiting relatives
D) abroad for shopping

Mark sentences 4-6 as True or False.

4. As a plane, a train is not a perfect mode for long distances travelling.
5. Going for the holiday on a cruise, would involve stopping at many different city ports.

6. Tourists will rely on their legs if they travel to places in the countryside


Task 2.
Answer the following questions:

• What are the popular places in your town?
• Is there a park or garden in your town?
• Are there any old buildings in your town?
• Are there any mountains near your town?

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10.07.2020 18:42

Полностью задание приведено на фото во вложении

I'm going to talk about being famous.

I think to be famous means to be widely known. Usually when we are asked about famous people we think about film stars, businessmen, politicians, athletes, or scientists.

There are a few advantages of being famous. Firstly, famous people have special privileges because practically everybody knows and respects them. Secondly, they are usually rich and they can travel all over the world. Thirdly, they are invited to the best parties and meet other celebrities.

On the other hand,  there are disadvantages, and the main one is no privacy. Paparazzi follow famous people everywhere, fans and other people stop them in the street asking for an autograph. Besides, famous people have to worry about their own safety and the safety of their families.

If you ask me, I would like to become famous like Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg who are successful businessmen.

Prepare a short talk on the advantages and disadvantages of being famous . use the notes in your wor
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24.05.2020 23:18
Finishing school, millions of young people begin an independent life. They can begin to work or continue their studies to obtain higher education. Everyone knows what to choose a profession, because sooner or later it concerns everyone. Some career choices pay attention to earnings, some demand, well, least likely to opt for the soul, that are closer to them.So I chose the profession of a public servant. Specialty "State and municipal governance" is by far one of the most pressing. From the standpoint of the historical development of our society today we live in a time of radical changes, reforms, various transformations in all spheres of society (economic, social, political). All this requires a new way to build governance. After all, poor management - is evidence of poor performance of the current state apparatus and the need for its renewal. Therefore, public service, public administration, are placed on a higher level of study.What are the main criteria for choosing a future profession? Firstly, it should be interesting. An exciting activity that you really like - it's an important part of happiness in life. Then, it should take into account the need to earn a living. The most amazing work does not bring you satisfaction if you are starving. In addition, there is a very urgent problem of unemployment: it is necessary to choose such a profession, so you could easily find a job. And most importantly, it is important to always be able to hear the views of others (parents, teachers) to help make a decision that affects your future life.In the process of "self study", I realized that knowingly chose this profession. I think I have the potential to become a good specialist. At least many of the qualities required for this, I have. The main thing - to develop their confidence. Some qualities, of course, lacking, but now I know what you need to work out what to cultivate. For example, before I did not think about whether I am a person organized. But looking at myself, I realized that in this respect I still have a lot of work. We should always try to change for the better, develop the qualities, both business and personal, that will help us to achieve new successes in their activity. We always have to try to "grow" in the eyes of others and in their own.
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