ПО АНГЛ ЗАЧЕТ I.Письменно переведите текст. Сделайте лексико-грамматический анализ текста: 1) Подчеркните предложения, где используются времена групп Continuous и Perfect в действительном залоге. 2) Подчеркните предложения, где употребляется Страдательный залог (Passive Voice) в трех временах групп: Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect. 3) Выпишите с переводом условные предложения.
Sydney Opera House
Sydney Opera House was opened in 1973. Since then it has appeared on T-shirts, postcards, in books, on travel programmes and in millions of photo albums. Thanks to its unique shape, Sydney Opera House is one of the most photographed buildings in the world!
The building was built by a Danish architect called Jorn Utzon. Utzon gave the building its unusual look by creating a roof which looked like palm tree fronds. Work first started on the Opera House in 1957. The Australian government gave Utzon $7 million and just four years to finish it. Unfortunately, there were lots of delays as well as money problems, so the Opera House wasn't actually finished until 1973. By then the total cost of the building was over $100 million!
Today the Opera House is one of the busiest performing arts centres in the world. It has around 3,000 events every year which are watched by over two million people. There are five main concert halls used for a wide variety of performances including classical, opera, pop and jazz. Artists as different as Pavarotti and the pop group INXS have performed there, and the largest hall can seat 2,679 people.
If you want to see a concert however, you'll need to book in advance - the best seats are hard to get and they're very expensive! But whether you go to a concert or not, a visit to Sydney wouldn't be complete without a trip to the Sydney Opera House.
1)the united kindom of
1)тhe uнiтeд кiндoм oф
four countries : england, scotland, wales and
фouр couнтрieс : eнgлaнд, сcoтлaнд, waлeс aнд
northern ireland . 2) the capitals of
нoртheрн iрeлaнд . 2) тhe caпiтaлс oф
these parts are london , cardiff, edindurgh
тheсe пaртс aрe лoндoн , caрдiфф, eдiндuрgh
and belfast. 3) the official name of
aнд бeлфaст. 3) тhe oффiciaл нaмe oф
the country is the united kingdom of
тhe couнтрy iс тhe uнiтeд кiнgдoм oф
Great Britsin and Northern Irelad . 4)
Gрeaт Bрiтсiн aнд Noртheрн Iрeлaд . 4)
Great Britain includes England, Scotland and Wales
Gрeaт Bрiтaiн iнcлuдeс Eнgлaнд, Scoтлaнд aнд Waлeс
. 5) The climate is cool and
. 5) The cлiмaтe iс cooл aнд
changeable . 6) The official language is
chaнgeaблe . 6) The oффiciaл лaнguage iс
English .
Eнgлiсh .