по английскому ☹️
Буду очень благодарна ❤️
1. Which film did you particularly like recently?
2. What was it about?
3. Who starred in the film?
4. Have you seen any films in English?
5. How often do you go to the theatre?
6. When did you last go to the theatre?
7. Did you like the performance? 8. Did the audience like the performance?
9. Was the house full?
10. Where were your seats?
11. Did you like the scenery?
12. What was the play about?
13. Who played the leading parts?
14. Was the cast good?
15. What do you call a place where the performance takes place?
16. Where do you buy tickets?
17. What do we call a person who writes plays?
18. What do we call a person who directs the staging of a play?
19. What is your favourite theatre and why?
20. Which do you enjoy more: going to the theatre or going to the cinema?
21. Do you like opera?
2) My father will go to the clinic to be EXAMINEd by the clinic.
3) The goods were DELIVERed at the beginning of May.
4) I think we'd better GET OUT of this place right now.
5) Our manager decided NOT to TAKE extra risks.
6) The weather seems to be IMPROVing these days.
7) Most of the beatiful buildings SEEn in Tverskaya Street have been built in the last twenty years.
8) Michael cannot REFUSE to help her with her heavy bags.
9) The letter may have been SENt to the wrong address.
1) Что вы думаете о своем(далее/дальше) образования? 2) он живет в четырех милях(далее/дальше от кино, чем я занимаюсь. У нас нет(далее/дальше) информации. Позвоните нам позже является(далее/дальше) от школы, чем парк. 5) они договорились встретиться в(дальней/дальнем) углу парка. 6) интересно, что ей(дальше/дальше) объяснение будет. 7) дом охотника находится на(далее/дальше) берег озера. 8) у вас есть(далее/ дальше) вопросы?