по этим во написать сочинение с тремя абзацами на 100 слов чтоб в сочинении были времена past continues ,present perfect и чтоб было в сочинении фразы before там где написано по этим во написать сочинение с тремя абзацами на 100 слов чтоб в сочинен">
all wet. I took it off, shook the water off it, hanged it up and went into the living-room. My children were playing on the carpet. When they saw me, they jumped up and ran up to me.
2. I have heard this song several times already, but I cannot remember the
words. I will write them down as soon as I hear this song again.
3. Hardly had he opened the suit-case, when he found the tie which he thought he
had lost long before.
4. Shut the door! The room is full of smells which are coming/have come from the kitchen. Mother does not like kitchen smells in the room.
5. Last night he finished the book which he began writing a year ago.
6. He said he had been listening to the same stories for a long time.
7. By the evening he had translated ten pages.
8. Have you ever been to the new stadium? — Yes, I was there last Saturday.
9. The old lady was happy: shehad not seen her son for three years.
10. What did you do yesterday?
11. How many pages have you translated for today?