Тут перевод? Кусачки -strip и сокращение свет средыпроволокамяч Пейн Хаммерсмите формы металла и ездить зубиларука saw- из древесныхhacksaw- отрезок металлической или пластиковой трубыsawhorse- вс материалы при резкетрещотка(включает в себя набор сокетови 2 гнездаРасширения) - затянуть или ослабить болты или гайкиСочетание wrench- работать с разными размерами болтовгаечный ключ -Доступ труднодоступных болтовЧужой wrench- включите чужеродных ключевые болтыгайка функции драйвера вставить или удалить гайкитрубы wrench- включите кратном размере трубусвязи
1. few Last month, I wrote to a few local television station asking if 2. the ___ ___ they gave away the free tickets to any shows. A week later, 3. to they sent to me two tickets for a quiz show. I went with my 4. an best friend Angie last night. It was an excellent! The show 5. v is called Know Them Or Not? and contestants have to 6. a answer questions about a lots of different people in their lives, 7. v like friends, relatives and colleagues. There are ten contestants 8. v to start with, but one of them gets knocked out at the end of 9. on each round. I’d like to go into on a show like that one day
2. the ___ ___ they gave away the free tickets to any shows. A week later,
3. to they sent to me two tickets for a quiz show. I went with my
4. an best friend Angie last night. It was an excellent! The show
5. v is called Know Them Or Not? and contestants have to
6. a answer questions about a lots of different people in their lives,
7. v like friends, relatives and colleagues. There are ten contestants
8. v to start with, but one of them gets knocked out at the end of
9. on each round. I’d like to go into on a show like that one day