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I really want to fly into space to look at our beautiful planet from above, but I would not like to live in space permanently. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, I don't like the idea of constantly living in a confined space. Secondly, in zero gravity, all food and drinks can only be in tubes and containers which is annoying. One cannot even have a shower or a bath properly. Thirdly, I would worry about possible dangers and accidents, I wouldn't feel completely safe there. Moreover, I would have to do exhausting physical exercises every day to keep my muscles strong. Every day there's a lot of work to do — to inspect and manage the equipment of the spaceship or station. Besides, I would also have to communicate with the same people every day.
However, if it were a large space station like a city on our Earth, with artificial gravity and thousands of other passengers, then I would not mind living there for a year.
I really want to fly into space to look at our beautiful planet from above, but I would not like to live in space permanently. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, I don't like the idea of constantly living in a confined space. Secondly, in zero gravity, all food and drinks can only be in tubes and containers which is annoying. One cannot even have a shower or a bath properly. Thirdly, I would worry about possible dangers and accidents, I wouldn't feel completely safe there. Moreover, I would have to do exhausting physical exercises every day to keep my muscles strong. Every day there's a lot of work to do — to inspect and manage the equipment of the spaceship or station. Besides, I would also have to communicate with the same people every day.
However, if it were a large space station like a city on our Earth, with artificial gravity and thousands of other passengers, then I would not mind living there for a year.