Pocahontas was the beautiful daughter of powhatan, a very
important american indian chief in virginia, usa. her real
name was matoaka and she was very brave and clever.
she tried hard to promote peace between her people and the
english colonists who arrived in her country and settled there.
pocahontas managed to learn to speak english. she believed
that the english could teach her people a lot of new things.
one winter, the english didn't have any food so she asked
her father to give them food. but soon, the powhatans
and the english started fighting again. during a fight,
the american indians arrested an english captain, john
smith. pocahontas saved his life. in 1613, the colonists
arrested her. pocahontas stayed in prison for a year. she
had such good manners that the english liked her and so
they didn't hurt her. in april 1614, she married colonist
john rolfe. this helped end the war between the
powhatans and the english colonists. unfortunately,
while she was in england with her husband and
son, thomas, visiting king james i, she got ill
and died. she was only 22. на
вот тебе 10 вопросов
1.Where does Shakespeare's native town stand on?
On the river Avon.
2.How old was Shakespeare when he died?
He died on his burthday aged 52.
3.What did Shakespeare write?
Comedies tragedies and historical plays.
4.What is Shakespeare also famous for?
He is also famous for his sonnets.
5.What was his wife's name?
Anne Hathaway.
6.Where can we now see Shakespeare's plays?
In the Royal Shakespeare Theathe.
7.Who was the sculpturer that gave the town the most famous Shakepeare's memorial? What was his name?
It was Lord Gower who gave it to the town.
8.Where was great Shakespeare burried?
In Holy Trinity Church.
9.How many children did Shakespeare have?
Three:one son and two daughters.
10.Why do people come to Stradford-upon-Avon?
Because they want to see the place connected with the life of W.Shakespeare.
1. 250 Н/см^2 в СИ – 2500000 Н/м^2, то есть 2500000 Па. Давление жидкости рассчитывается по формуле p = po × h × g, значит h = p/po × g. Давление нам известно, плотность воды равна 1000 кг/м^3, а g – 10 Н/кг. Тогда h = 2500000 Па/1000 кг/м^3 × 10 Н/кг = 250 метров. Сила давления рассчитывается по формуле F = p × S. Подставляя велечины, получаем, что F = 2500000 Па × 0,45 м^2 = 1125000 Н = 1125 кН.
ответ: 250 метров; 1125 кН.
#2. Плотность серной кислоты – 1800 кг/м^3. Для начала нам нужно узнать давление, создаваемое на дно бутылки. Давление в жидкости рассчитывается по формуле p = po × h × g, тогда p = 1800 кг/м^3 × 50 см × 10 Н/кг = 1800 кг/м^3 × 0,5 м × 10 Н/кг = 9000 Па. Сила давления находится по формуле F = p × S. То есть F = 9000 Па × 543 см^2, следовательно F = 9000 Па × 0,0543 см^2 ≈ 500 Н.
ответ: 500 Н.
#3. Здесь нужно воспользоваться формулой F1/S1 = F2/S2, подставляя величины, получаем, что 120 Н/S1 = 1220 Н/488 см^2. Сантиметры в квадрате в СИ можно не переводить. Тогда S1 = 120 Н × 488 см^2/1220 Н = 48 см^2.
ответ: 48 см^2.
#4. Плотность воды равна 1000 кг/м^3. Давление жидкости находят по формуле p = po × h × g, значит h = p/po × g = 280 кПа/1000 кг/м^3 × 10 Н/кг = 280000 Па/1000 кг/м^3 × 10 Н/кг = 28 метров.
ответ: 28 метров.
#5. Поясню условие задачи. Мы создаём некоторое давление воздуха с поршня, которое передаётся, по закону Паскаля, во всех направлениях, поэтому действует на поверхность камеры. Силу этого давления на поверхность камеры и требуется найти.
Давление находят по формуле p = F/S. Значит p = 30 Н/4 см^2 = 30Н/0,0004 м^2 = 75000 Па. Теперь можно найти силу давления на камеру, которая рассчитывается по формуле F = p × S = 75000 Па × 20 дм^2 = 75000 Па × 0,2 м^2 = 15000 Н = 15 кН.
ответ: 15 кН.
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