I had an appointment with my friends at the movie theater tonight. It was a long walk, so I decided to call a taxi. There was a suspicious driver waiting for me inside it, but I couldn't imagine where I would end up with him. He abruptly veered off the route and turned into a dark alley. When he stopped, he threatened me with a knife and demanded all the valuables I had with me. I miraculously managed to run out of the taxi and save my life. I memorized the numbers of this taxi and went straight to the police. A week later, they call me and tell me that the criminal has been found and will be sent to prison. Since then I've stopped taking taxis and not going out alone at night
"+" 1. Нестандартные идеи привлекают людей. 2. Можно повысить свой уровень креативности и поднять настроение окружающим. 3. Стремление к новому и интересному - что еще нужно? "-" 1. Можно или перестраховаться и чего-то недоделать или сделать что-то, что может вызвать негативную реакцию окружающих, то есть не найти золотую середину. 2. Иногда изменения могут привести к необратимо ужасным последствиям, к тому же, большинству людей, с которыми вы работаете, должны быть по душе ваши необычные предложения. 3. Никогда нельзя забывать об ответственности зачастую не только за денежные средства, честь или престиж, но и за жизнь людей, поэтому человек должен быть рассудительным в своих идеях и всегда проверять, не сделает ли он кому-то хуже.
I had an appointment with my friends at the movie theater tonight. It was a long walk, so I decided to call a taxi. There was a suspicious driver waiting for me inside it, but I couldn't imagine where I would end up with him. He abruptly veered off the route and turned into a dark alley. When he stopped, he threatened me with a knife and demanded all the valuables I had with me. I miraculously managed to run out of the taxi and save my life. I memorized the numbers of this taxi and went straight to the police. A week later, they call me and tell me that the criminal has been found and will be sent to prison. Since then I've stopped taking taxis and not going out alone at night