1. Mum will visit you when the baby-sitter arrives.
2. He will be tired when he arrives. He has been training for 8 hours.
3. The doctor can’t say now when the patient will recover.
4. If your son does not work hard, he will forget what he knows.
5. Don’t phone between 4 and 5. We will be eating.
6. Nobody knows if he will keep his promise.
7. I want to know when you will come.
8. I am going to a party tomorrow night. Would you like to come too?
9. I think Jane will get the job. She has a lot of experience.
10. I can’t meet you this evening. A friend of mine is coming to see me.
11. We probably will not have left leave by the time you get home.
12. It’s a secret between us. I promise I will not tell anybody.
13. I’ve decided to have a party. – Who will you invite? – I will probably invite the Browns.
14. When you return home from holidays we will already have finished the construction of our house.
15. Tomorrow Elaine will have been working on the project for ten days.
16. The train leaves Plymouth at 11.30 and arrives in London at 14.45.
17. What time does the film begin?
18. What time are you leaving tomorrow?
19. They will have been having fun since 6 o’clock when we come.
20. There’s a film on television tonight. Will you watch it?
21. I feel terrible. I think I am sick.
22. Tomorrow by 2 o’clock I will have passed my English exam.
23. Tom will not pass the exam. He hasn’t worked hard enough for it.
24. This time next week I’ll be on holiday. I will be lying on the beach or wil be swimming in the sea.
25. Don’t worry about the exam. I’m sure you will pass.
26. I wonder where I will be 20 years from now.
27. They will not have released the DVD before they have shown Titan at the cinema.
28. I am driving to town during the lunch break so I can give you a lift.
29. If you have problems, call me. I will be watching TV all evening.
30. While he’s reading the book, I will be watching TV.
The moon is the most noticeable object in the sky after the Sun, and therefore it is always attributed to as significant properties as the day-star.
Луна – это самый заметный объект неба после Солнца, а потому ей всегда приписывались столь же значительные свойства, как и дневному светилу.
The moon is arranged as a full-fledged planet — it has a bark, mantle and even a core, and in the distant past volcanoes existed on it.
Луна устроена как полноценная планета — у нее есть кора, мантия и даже ядро, а в далеком на ней существовали вулканы.
waning moon – убывающая луна
full moon – почти полная луна
A characteristic feature of the landscape of the Moon is the difference between «seas» and continents.
Характерной чертой ландшафта Луны является отличие «морей» от материков.
For the first time the moon was visited by the Soviet spacecraft Luna-2 on September 13, 1959.
Впервые Луну посетил советский космический корабль Луна-2 13 сентября 1959.
The moon is at a distance of only 380,000 km from the Earth. This is the only extraterrestrial world in space that people visited.
Луна находится на расстоянии всего лишь 380 000 км от Земли. Это единственный внеземной мир в космосе, который посетили люди.
The natural companion of the Earth is the Moon — a non-luminous body that reflects sunlight.
Естественным спутником Земли является Луна — несветящееся тело, которое отражает солнечный свет.
Gravity on the Moon is six times less than on Earth, the period of revolution around the Earth: 27.3 days.
Сила тяжести на Луне в шесть раз меньше, чем на Земле, периода обращения вокруг Земли: 27,3 дней.
1. Mum will visit you when the baby-sitter arrives.
2. He will be tired when he arrives. He has been training for 8 hours.
3. The doctor can’t say now when the patient will recover.
4. If your son does not work hard, he will forget what he knows.
5. Don’t phone between 4 and 5. We will be eating.
6. Nobody knows if he will keep his promise.
7. I want to know when you will come.
8. I am going to a party tomorrow night. Would you like to come too?
9. I think Jane will get the job. She has a lot of experience.
10. I can’t meet you this evening. A friend of mine is coming to see me.
11. We probably will not have left leave by the time you get home.
12. It’s a secret between us. I promise I will not tell anybody.
13. I’ve decided to have a party. – Who will you invite? – I will probably invite the Browns.
14. When you return home from holidays we will already have finished the construction of our house.
15. Tomorrow Elaine will have been working on the project for ten days.
16. The train leaves Plymouth at 11.30 and arrives in London at 14.45.
17. What time does the film begin?
18. What time are you leaving tomorrow?
19. They will have been having fun since 6 o’clock when we come.
20. There’s a film on television tonight. Will you watch it?
21. I feel terrible. I think I am sick.
22. Tomorrow by 2 o’clock I will have passed my English exam.
23. Tom will not pass the exam. He hasn’t worked hard enough for it.
24. This time next week I’ll be on holiday. I will be lying on the beach or wil be swimming in the sea.
25. Don’t worry about the exam. I’m sure you will pass.
26. I wonder where I will be 20 years from now.
27. They will not have released the DVD before they have shown Titan at the cinema.
28. I am driving to town during the lunch break so I can give you a lift.
29. If you have problems, call me. I will be watching TV all evening.
30. While he’s reading the book, I will be watching TV.
The moon is the most noticeable object in the sky after the Sun, and therefore it is always attributed to as significant properties as the day-star.
Луна – это самый заметный объект неба после Солнца, а потому ей всегда приписывались столь же значительные свойства, как и дневному светилу.
The moon is arranged as a full-fledged planet — it has a bark, mantle and even a core, and in the distant past volcanoes existed on it.
Луна устроена как полноценная планета — у нее есть кора, мантия и даже ядро, а в далеком на ней существовали вулканы.
waning moon – убывающая луна
full moon – почти полная луна
A characteristic feature of the landscape of the Moon is the difference between «seas» and continents.
Характерной чертой ландшафта Луны является отличие «морей» от материков.
For the first time the moon was visited by the Soviet spacecraft Luna-2 on September 13, 1959.
Впервые Луну посетил советский космический корабль Луна-2 13 сентября 1959.
The moon is at a distance of only 380,000 km from the Earth. This is the only extraterrestrial world in space that people visited.
Луна находится на расстоянии всего лишь 380 000 км от Земли. Это единственный внеземной мир в космосе, который посетили люди.
The natural companion of the Earth is the Moon — a non-luminous body that reflects sunlight.
Естественным спутником Земли является Луна — несветящееся тело, которое отражает солнечный свет.
Gravity on the Moon is six times less than on Earth, the period of revolution around the Earth: 27.3 days.
Сила тяжести на Луне в шесть раз меньше, чем на Земле, периода обращения вокруг Земли: 27,3 дней.