Подчеркните личные и притяжательные местоимения. Выпишите прилагательные. Nature is the outer world that surrounds us, id est all, to creation whatever put hand man. Nature is living and lifeless. The most beautiful in the world it is nature. If there will not be nature that will not be people. We must watch after nature. There will not be plants in one hundred years. Oxygen will be dirty. To the people it will be heavily to survive in such environment. Plants it will be not enough. Air will be muddy exhaust-gass. There will be small living people in the world. Most people will be ill. Many types of animals and plants either quite disappeared or are under threat of disappearance, and therefore added to the Red book. The Rivers will be dirty and waters it will be for us not enough. We need to care of nature. The most beautiful in the world it is nature.
2. Every day the boss enters the office at half past nine
3. My friend will ring me up at eight o’clock tomorrow
4. Where was Kate going when you met her yesterday?
5. Where does your brother work?
6. What were you doing at five o’clock yesterday? - I was working in the library. - I was there too, but didn't see you. I also will be working there from 3 to 5 tomorrow
7. When she returns from Moscow, she'll tell us about it
Даунши́фтинг (англ. downshifting, переключение автомобиля на более низкую передачу, а также замедление или ослабление какого-либо процесса) — термин, обозначающий человеческую философию «жизни ради себя», «отказа от чужих целей»[источник не указан 260 дней]. Родственен понятиям «simple living» (с англ образ жизни») и «опрощение». Люди, причисляющие себя к дауншифтерам, склонны отказываться от стремления к пропагандируемым общепринятым благам (постоянному увеличению материального капитала, карьерному росту и т.д.), ориентируясь на «жизнь ради себя».
Наибольшее развитие дауншифтинг получил в США и Австралии.[источник не указан 191 день]