Подчеркните в следующих предложениях Participle I и Participle II и установите функции каждого из них, т.е. укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью
глагола-сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. Can you see that woman dressed in red over there?
2. Letters that are posted before 5 pm should arrive the next day.
3. The train standing on platform five is for Manchester.
4. My dad was in a bad mood for the whole week, completely ruining
the holiday.
5. Having passed all the exams with A grade, Maggie went on holiday.
2 next trip happy not
3 kid sin pin kill
4 the UK Russia Australia Asia the British Isles Los Angeles the New World the Northwest Novokuznetsk
5 bed lend pet send
6 The USA The Russian Federation The Old world The Pacific ocean The Southeast
7 1 An - 2 - - a 3 a the an 4 - - 5 -
Насчет артиклей в предложениях 2 и 5 могут быть другие варианты, это зависит от контекста 2 an (если имеется в виду одна порция мороженого, а если просто мороженое, то артикль не нужен)
7 - возможен и вариант The English, если имеется в виду, что именно англичане, как нация, но, повторяю это зависит то контекста, а что хотели в этом упражнении непонятно
1. This is a pen. The pen is red. 2.These are pencils. The pencils are black. 3.This is a soup. The soup is so tasty. 4. In the morning I eat a sandwich and drink tea. 5. She gave a coffe and a cake. The coffee was hot. The cake was very tasty. Do you like an ice cream? 7. I see a book in your hand. Is the book interesting? 8. Do you need a camera? 9. He never eats a meat, he always eats vegetables, cereals, seeds, fruit, and nuts. He is a vegetarian. 10. This is a pineapple. The pineapple is delicious. 11. Elaine, apples are good you!
12. My cousin is upset. He's got a sore throat. 13. This is a cottage cheese. The cottage cheese is fresh. 14. She bought a meat, a butter, and the potatoes yesterday. She also bought a cake. The cake was delicious. We ate the cake and drank the tea. 15. This is my table. On the table I have books, two pencils, a pen, and a paper. 16. This is a bag. The bag is brown. It's my sister's bag. And this is my bag. It is yellow.