Подчеркнуть глаголы в простом времени. Какие глаголы правильные? I was in the site managers office yesterday. There was a problem with some waste management paperwork. The site manager told me to check the skips in the yard. I counted the skips and found there were Only six, not eight. Then I saw the accident. Harry tried to lift a skip with his crane. The load was too heavy and the crane tipped over. It Crashed into the scaffolding that we erected yesterday. Four men were hurt. We called the emergency services. They sent two ambulances.
Many teach few items that would be somewhere to arrive.
Many go where the parents want.
Many end up something which would then make money, but it's not right! The main thing is to do what I love. Because I can be successful, famous and healthy working like. Unfortunately for them it's hard to understand. Often she is interested in marks at school, but almost never what I want to do. In any case, I know too much to just score the deal of his life. In any case, I'll do whatever you want and be successful, here is a look!