. Подготовь к СОРУ письмо к другу. Представь, что ты побывал в одном из мест, описанных в тексте стр.37 или другом интересном месте. Напиши письмо другу и расскажи о своих впечатлениях. (8-10 предложений) Не забывай о структуре письма (образец письма стр.15,39).
на английский языке
1)Mineralogy is the identification of minerals and the suady study properties, origin, and classification.
2)How do you study the properties of minerals?
2)The properties of minerals are studied under the convenient subdivisions of chemical mineralogy, physical mineralogy, and crystallography.
3)What are the classes of chemical compounds?
3)The various classes of chemical compounds that include a majority of minerals are as follows: (1) elements, such as gold, graphite, diamond, and sulfur, that occur in the native state, that is, in an uncombined form: (2) students, which are minerals composed of various metals combined with sulfur.
4)Where are most of the physical properties defined?
4) Most of the physical properties can be recognized at sight or determined by simple tests.
5)Which includes the most important properties?
5)The most important properties include powder (streak), color, cleavage, fracture, hardness, luster specific gravity, and nuorescence or phosphorescence.
6)Where are the crystals?
6)The majority of minerals occur in crystal form when conditions of formation are favorable.