похожий на этот диолог меньше по объёму Reporter: Good evening, Mr Shiao. I'm from the Hong Kong Herald. Can you tell me what happened to you in your taxi today? Mr Shiao: Well... it was about 4 o'clock in the afternoon and I was driving home ... Reporter: Go on ... Mr Shiao: ... when suddenly something flew down from the sky and hit my car. I was surprised! Reporter: Wow! What was it? Mr Shiao: A huge turtle! Reporter: That's unbelievable! Mr Shiao: I know! I stopped the car and got out. The turtle was lying on the ground and two people were running towards it! They looked very worried! Reporter: Who were the people? Mr Shiao: The turtle's owners. It seems that the turtle was crawling on the balcony of their tenth floor apartment when it fell off onto my car. Reporter: Oh dear! That's terrible! So how was the turtle ... and your car? Mr Shiao: Well, the turtle was fine but my car was badly damaged. Reporter: How do you feel now, Mr Shiao? Mr Shiao: Well, I'm still a bit shocked! Reporter: I'm not surprised! What a story, Mr Shiao! Thank you for sharing it with us!
2. What are the best things about life in the 21st century?
I think the best things about life in the 21st century are the Internet and all the gadgets we have. Our life is getting more comfortable and more technologically advanced. We have a lot more opportunities to study than students of the past had. We also have more oppotunities to travel.
3. Speak about one everyday invention. What is it used for? Would you like to use a robot? Why?
I'd like to speak about the robot vacuum (робот-пылесос). It is used to clean the house. Its main advantage is that it cleans the floor without human control. Robotic vacuums can be kept under beds, whereas a regular vacuum cleaner requires more space. Besides, robot vacuums are not so noisy as regular vacuum cleaners.
Generally, I would like to use a robot that could help me in everyday life. I think it could save me a lot of time.
4. Describe you best friend. What traits of character do they have? What are the difficulties in your relationship?
My best friend is (имя). He is honest, reasonable, cheerful and he has a great sense of humour. He always has a lot of amusing ideas and we usually have a great time together. The only difficulty in our relationship is that he isn't a very punctual person and sometimes he can be absent-minded, but I still like him a lot. Because I know that nobody's perfect.
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big family? What family do you have?
In my opinion, the main advantage of living in a big family is that you can always rely on your family members. If you have a few siblings (=brothers and sisters), you will never be alone and bored. You can play lots of games, do your homework and housework together.
There are several disadvantages of living in a large family. First of all, there is hardly any privacy. You may have to share bedrooms with your sisters or brothers. Secondly, a large family often has more expenses than a small family. There can be times when children or parents cannot buy what they want because they have to save money for others in the family.
I have a small family. There are four of us: my dad, my mum, my younger (older) sister/brother. (эту часть отредактируйте для себя)
6. Is it important to play sport? Why? What sport would you like to do?
I believe it is important to play sport because it helps to improve our fitness and health and to develop team spirit. Playing sports can help us to manage our weight. I like playing football and I usually go to play it two-three times a week. I would like to play basketball as well, but there is no basketball court near my home.
7. Are you healthy? What would you do to become healthier?
I think I am healthy, although I know that some habits of mine should be changed. I probably spend too much time playing games on my phone and I like fast food, but I try to do enough exercise and drink a lot of water.
I also play sports to be healthy and I plan to start going to the swimming-pool.
8. Why amusement parks attract so many people? What about you? What is you favourite attraction in a theme park?
Amusement parks attract so many people because these people like to be thrilled. Not everyone can afford to try some extreme sports but attractions in an amusement park can give us almost the same experience. I like to be thrilled and I like to get an adrenaline rush by going on wild scary rides.
My favourite attractions are a roller coaster and jumpine on trampolines.
9. What do you think about your style? How would you describe it? Do you judge people by the way they look like?
I think I look just like thousands of other teens in my country. I like loose-fitting clothes - baggy trousers and hoodies or sweatshirts, and I love wearing jeans. In other words I like comfortable clothes. It is probably called Street style.
In my opinion we all judge people by the way they look like. Our clothes always tell something about us.
10. What is more difficult to change? Your character or appearance? Why? Give examples to prove your point of view.
I think it is easy to change our appearance. All you need is to dye your hair, have a new haircut and put on other clothes (like, change your style). Some people go on diets to look slimmer and some others go to plastic surgeons. It is much more difficult to change your character. It can take us years to change our habits and behaviour. Besides our character is defined by genetics and that is something that cannot be changed.
Есть шесть из нас в семье.
Моя мать - учительница биологии. Она работает в колледже. Ей нравится ее профессия. Она - красивая женщина с каштановыми волосами и зелеными глазами. Ей сорок четыре года, но она выглядит намного моложе. Она высокая и худая.
Мой отец - программист. Он очень опытен. Он - широкоплечий, высокий человек со светлыми волосами и серыми глазами. Ему сорок шесть лет. Мой отец часто поет и когда мы дома и имеем некоторое свободное время, я играю на гитаре, и мы поем вместе. Мой отец знает все о новых радиостанциях и любит восстанавливать старые. Он также удобен со многими вещами. Когда он был маленьким, ему понравилось брать все к частям. Моя бабушка рассказала мне историю, которая однажды мой отец попыталась "отремонтировать" их кухонные часы. Ему удалось отложить все колеса и винты снова — но часы не работали. Они должны были дать его ремонтнику. Но давным-давно это произошло. Теперь он может фиксировать почти все: пылесос, стиральная машина, холодильник и что нет. У него есть несколько полок, где он держит все, в чем он нуждается. На столе в частях всегда есть радио.
Мои родители были женаты в течение двадцати шести лет. Они имеют много общего, но у них есть различные взгляды относительно музыки, книг и фильмов. Например, моему отцу нравятся фильмы ужасов, и моей матери нравятся "мыльные оперы". Мой отец любит теннис. Моя мать не интересуется спортивными состязаниями. Но у моих родителей есть то же самое мнение о моем образовании и воспитании.
Мои родители - трудолюбивые люди. Моя мать держит дом и заботится обо мне и моем отце. Она очень хороша в приготовлении, и она умна руками. Она очень практична. Мой отец и я пытаемся ей с работой по дому. Я мою посуду, хожу по магазинам и привожу в порядок нашу квартиру.
Моя бабушка - пенсионерка. Она живет с нами и управлять домом. Она любит вязание.
Моей сестре Хелен двадцать пять лет. Она замужем и имеет собственную семью. Она работает бухгалтером для компании малого бизнеса. Ее муж - ученый. У них есть близнецы: дочь и сын. Они идут в детский сад. Моему брату Борису одиннадцать лет. Он - школьник. Он хочет стать доктором, но он еще не уверен. Три месяца назад он мечтал о том, чтобы быть космонавтом.