помагите 24. Australia is ___very big Island. 25. They play football on Wednesdays. 26. students are going to __trip in England next _February. 27. tigers are disappearing in __wild. 28. I have shower every morning. 29. May I go to toilets, please? 30. Dave found wallet in street. 31. John wants to know truth about UFOS. 32. I have just bought __brand new shoes. 33. I saw in_news that there have been terrible floods in India again. 34. __boys are interested in _video games. 35. Mike plays_drums better than he Plays piano. 36. How much money have you got in your piggy bank ? 37. _ people buy lots of furniture from IKEA nowadays. 38. There was compelte eclipse of sun in_USA not long ago. 39. She hates _tests. 40. Can I have tissue please, Miss ? 41. Don't forget to turn off _lights when leaving_room! 42. My elder brother is student in university of Caen. 43. We shouldn't use pesticides ! 44. On dear! I have such __ pain in back! It really hurts ! 45. We had _nice trip on _Thames. 46. Most people are against cruelty to animals. 47. I have interview for interview for _job today. 48. My sister is scared of 12 dogs.
это по книге Гарри Поттер
For a long time, I had the idea of reading the Harry Potter books, because after watching the films I had more questions than answers. I like movies, this amazing, bright magical world, actors, although some of them are much ...
This is the first book after the alphabet that I have read. Yes, yes I was about five years old when she just appeared ... I grew up on her, my character and destiny were formed on her. Everyone, including my parents, told me that, excuse the rudeness, this book is packed with all kinds of nonsense. And yet - she teaches a lot, and the least of this much - she teaches to live.
дрожал под засаленной курткой.
- Ты чего, малый? - спросила Ваню бабка Анисья; она привела
к ветеринару свою козу.- Чего вы слезы
льете? Случилось что?
- Пожженный он на пожаре, дедушкин заяц, - сказал тихо Ваня. -Бегать не может. Вот-вот умрет.
- Не умрет, малый Анисья. -- Скажи дедушке, ежели
хочет зайца выходить, пущай несет его к Карлу
Ваня вытер слезы и побежал босиком по песчаной дороге домой, на Урженское озеро.