Учитель: Давайте поговорим о механизме передачи. Какие основные узлы входит в комплект поставки?
Ученик: Трансмиссия - это весь механизм между двигателем и задними колесами. Он включает в себя сцепление, коробку передач, карданный вал, задний мост, главную передачу и дифференциал.
Т.: Что соединяет сцепление?
С .: Муфта соединяет двигатель с коробкой передач.
Т.: А что делает коробка передач?
С .: Коробка передач меняет скорость автомобиля.
Т.: Что позволяет дифференциал?
S.: Дифференциал позволяет приводным колесам двигаться на разных скоростях при повороте автомобиля.
Т .: Для каких целей используется система рулевого управления?
S .: Система рулевого управления используется для изменения направления
движение машины.
Т .: А какова функция тормозов?
S .: Тормоза используются для замедления или остановки автомобиля.
1) Anne swam in the sea when you come to the beach? no. what was she doing? she was playing with friends on the beach ? 2)what were you doing yesterday at 4 PM? I played badminton with Ann. it was difficult to play. a strong wind was blowing. 3) when you looked out the window , what did you do That ? He planted trees with my grandfather. 4) Yesterday, when the bell rang , we were in class. What did you do? Ann and I watered the flowers, and the girls washed the Board. 5) were your parents at home yesterday? Yes. What were they doing from 5 to 7 hours? dad was reading the paper and mom was cooking dinner. At 7 o'clock dinner was ready . 6) we were walking along the beach when it rained. The rain was heavy and we got wet. 7) when we walked in the forest , we saw the hedgehog. 8) Where were you yesterday? I went to the movies with Ann. We watched Lord of the Rings. have you watched this movie? I watched it last week. 9) What were you doing yesterday when I came in mom? I did my homework . 10) when I was a kid , I didn't know how to skate. dad nicil me to skate last year. 11) when you arrive? it will arrive in 2 weeks. 12)who do you usually go to school? With friends 13) Why is Anne crying? She left the notebook at home and can't write new words. 14) the next year my parents will take me to Scotland .
Учитель: Давайте поговорим о механизме передачи. Какие основные узлы входит в комплект поставки?
Ученик: Трансмиссия - это весь механизм между двигателем и задними колесами. Он включает в себя сцепление, коробку передач, карданный вал, задний мост, главную передачу и дифференциал.
Т.: Что соединяет сцепление?
С .: Муфта соединяет двигатель с коробкой передач.
Т.: А что делает коробка передач?
С .: Коробка передач меняет скорость автомобиля.
Т.: Что позволяет дифференциал?
S.: Дифференциал позволяет приводным колесам двигаться на разных скоростях при повороте автомобиля.
Т .: Для каких целей используется система рулевого управления?
S .: Система рулевого управления используется для изменения направления
движение машины.
Т .: А какова функция тормозов?
S .: Тормоза используются для замедления или остановки автомобиля.
Т .: Верно. Вы очень хорошо знаете предмет.
what was she doing?
she was playing with friends on the beach ?
2)what were you doing yesterday at 4 PM? I played badminton with Ann.
it was difficult to play. a strong wind was blowing.
3) when you looked out the window , what did you do That ? He planted trees with my grandfather.
4) Yesterday, when the bell rang , we were in class. What did you do? Ann and I watered the flowers, and the girls washed the Board.
5) were your parents at home yesterday?
What were they doing from 5 to 7 hours?
dad was reading the paper and mom was cooking dinner. At 7 o'clock dinner was ready .
6) we were walking along the beach when it rained. The rain was heavy and we got wet.
7) when we walked in the forest , we saw the hedgehog.
8) Where were you yesterday? I went to the movies with Ann. We watched Lord of the Rings.
have you watched this movie?
I watched it last week.
9) What were you doing yesterday when I came in mom?
I did my homework .
10) when I was a kid , I didn't know how to skate.
dad nicil me to skate last year.
11) when you arrive? it will arrive in 2 weeks.
12)who do you usually go to school? With friends
13) Why is Anne crying? She left the notebook at home and can't write new words.
14) the next year my parents will take me to Scotland .