Пока британцы удивляются нелепости русского юмора, пытаясь перевести наши анекдоты про колобка, Штирлица и чукчу, мы нередко и сами остаемся с наисерьезнейшим выражением лица в компании смеющихся над шутками англичан или американцев. Понятно, что у каждого есть свои поводы для смеха и то, что кажется забавным одному, может остаться недооцененным другим. Юмор — вещь иногда индивидуальная, но нередко и национальная. У каждого народа есть свои привычки, исторические особенности, менталитет, которые нередко и становятся предметом для высмеивания. В русских анекдотах часто фигурируют фольклорные и сказочные персонажи. Про одного только Колобка у нас придумано множество забавных историй. А англичане, например, любят шутить по поводу тех или иных событий в королевской семье.
1. By this time next year I’ll have saved ONE THOUSANDS DOLLARS. - How much money will I have saved by this time next year?
2.We have just heard THE MOST EXTRAORDINARY news. - What kind of news have we just heard?
3. TOM has NEVER eaten CAVIAR before. -Who has never eaten caviar before? When did Tom eat caviar? What has Tom never eaten before?
4. WE have NEVER left a RESTAURANT without PAYING a BILL. Who has never left a restaurant without paying a bill? When did we leave a restaurant without paying a bill? What have never left without paying a bill? Without what have we never left a restaurant?
5. IN A FORTNIGHT’S TIME we’ll take an ENGLISH exam. When shall we take an English exam? What exam shall we take in a fortnight's time?
6.She WILL HAVE FINISHED this book BY TOMORROW MORNING. What will she have done by tomorrow morning? By when will she have finished this book?
7. He had left his previous JOB BY THE END OF DECEMBER LAST YEAR. What had he left by the end of December last year? By when had he left his previous job?
8. THEY met IN A COFFEE BAR. Who met in a coffee bar? Where did they meet?
9.The strike lasted FOR FIVE MONTHS. How long has the strike lasted?
10.We’ve had terrible weather SINCE LAST WEEK. Since when have we had terrible weather?
1. By this time next year I’ll have saved ONE THOUSANDS DOLLARS. - How much money will I have saved by this time next year?
2.We have just heard THE MOST EXTRAORDINARY news. - What kind of news have we just heard?
3. TOM has NEVER eaten CAVIAR before. -Who has never eaten caviar before? When did Tom eat caviar? What has Tom never eaten before?
4. WE have NEVER left a RESTAURANT without PAYING a BILL. Who has never left a restaurant without paying a bill? When did we leave a restaurant without paying a bill? What have never left without paying a bill? Without what have we never left a restaurant?
5. IN A FORTNIGHT’S TIME we’ll take an ENGLISH exam. When shall we take an English exam? What exam shall we take in a fortnight's time?
6.She WILL HAVE FINISHED this book BY TOMORROW MORNING. What will she have done by tomorrow morning? By when will she have finished this book?
7. He had left his previous JOB BY THE END OF DECEMBER LAST YEAR. What had he left by the end of December last year? By when had he left his previous job?
8. THEY met IN A COFFEE BAR. Who met in a coffee bar? Where did they meet?
9.The strike lasted FOR FIVE MONTHS. How long has the strike lasted?
10.We’ve had terrible weather SINCE LAST WEEK. Since when have we had terrible weather?