Task 2. Rewrite the sentences as reported speech
1. I don’t like westerns.
He said .
2. They can act.
She told us .
3. The film isn’t really about fashion.
He said .
4. I’m working for a film studio.
He told me .
5. That director will become famous.
We told her .
6. I’m writing a thriller.
She said .
7. The scene reminds me of anothe
Coronaviruses (lat. Coronaviridae) is a family of viruses that includes, as of January 2020, 40 species of RNA-containing viruses United in two subfamilies[2] that affect humans and animals. The name is associated with the structure of the virus, whose spiny appendages resemble the solar corona[3]. The purpose of the "crown" in coronaviruses is related to their specific mechanism of penetration through the cell membrane by imitating "fake molecules" of molecules that the transmembrane receptors of cells respond to. After the receptor captures the fake molecule from the "crown", it is pushed by the virus into the cell and the RNA of the virus enters the cell[4][5].
This country is famous for its warm and sunny weather throughout the year, the beautiful sandy beaches of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, as well as popular resorts with palm trees and yachts by the sea. Madrid, the capital, Barcelona and Ibiza are the most popular tourist destinations in Spain.
This is a country with a rich history. Spain has 47 World Heritage Sites. Everyone who visits Spain should try their own national dishes: fragrant rice cooked with seafood, called paella; chilled gazpacho vegetable soup and spicy and sweet chorizo sausage.
Spaniards are very friendly and emotional. Almost every week, a holiday or festival is held in different parts of the country. Spain is also known for its crazy and fun festivals. For example, Pamplona Running of the Bulls, in which the most daring people run in front of a group of evil bulls.
Spanish love for football has no limits. The streets become empty when their favorite team is playing. Real Madrid, Barcelona and Atlético are the best Spanish football clubs.
As we can see, with such good weather, rich culture and many festivals, Spain is a country that everyone should visit.
Эта страна славится теплой и солнечной погодой в течение всего года, прекрасными песчаными пляжами Средиземного моря и Атлантического океана, а также популярными курортами с пальмами и яхтами у моря. Мадрид, столица, Барселона и Ибица - самые популярные туристические направления в Испании.
Это страна с богатой историей. В Испании 47 объектов всемирного наследия. Каждый, кто посещает Испанию, должен попробовать свои национальные блюда: ароматный рис, приготовленный с морепродуктами, называемый паэлья; охлажденный овощной суп гаспачо и острая и сладкая колбаса чоризо.
Испанцы очень дружелюбны и эмоциональны. Почти каждую неделю праздник или фестиваль проводится в разных частях страны. Испания также известна своими сумасшедшими и веселыми фестивалями. Например, Pamplona Running of the Bulls, в которой самые смелые люди бегут перед группой злых быков.
Испанская любовь к футболу не имеет границ. Улицы становятся пустыми, когда их любимая команда играет. Реал Мадрид, Барселона и Атлетико - лучшие испанские футбольные клубы.
Как мы видим, с такой хорошей погодой, богатой культурой и большим количеством фестивалей, Испания - страна, которую должен посетить каждый человек.