Поправьте что бы был грамматически веренmalcolm macklin was born into a farm family in north carolina in 1914. during the great depression, he opened a small freight company. mclean was always struck by the irrationality of cargo handling at commercial ports, where goods were first unloaded from
ships and then loaded onto trucks. in his opinion, it would be better to simply move the containers from the ship to the truck.macklin decided to implement his idea in the 1950s.
2)На даче мы жарили на гриле шашлык-At the cottage zharyly We grilled shashlыk
3)Я маме жарить картофель-I pomohal mame fry potatoes
4)Мы с бабушкой любим готовить на пару пищу-We babushkoy beloved village prepares for a couple pyschu
5)Мама учила меня варить суп-My mother taught me cooking soup
6)Я очень люблю запекать рыбу-I love Very zapekat rыbu
7)Я люблю лежать у бабушки в деревни на печи-I like to lie in Babushka Charcoal on pechy