Portfolio: collect information then write a tourist guide section of about 80 worlds about a famous street in your city. write about : its location (centre ...)
what you can find there (shops...)
what you can do there (relax ...)
про Владивосток сделать
1 Marla said, what this is a very misleading advertisement.
2 Mam asked, what Is this the new soft drink advert?.
3 She said to me, what please, don’t forget to pay the bill at the bank.
4 dad asked, what Where’s my new watch?
5 the teacher said to us, what open your books on page 91, please.
6 He said, what i will meet you outside the building.
7 Kate complained, what my soup is cold.
8 Mr. Preston informed, what there will be a meeting in my office at 5 pm, Bill .
9 Mum ordered to me, what go to your room!.
10 Our teacher advised, what you should not pay so much attention to adverts.
перевел из прямой речи в косвенную.
If I had a chose, I would most likely live in a big modern city. It's populated streets and moderness gives it charm. It feels great to live in a huge city, you never feel alone! And there is always so much to do, so many things to see, you just can't get bored. Of course though there are down sides to living in the city. Some of them are that there is much more pollution, especially compared to the country side. During the summer in big cities it can get overwhelmingly hot, and in result many citizens can get heat stroke. There is also the increase in diseases, such as lung disease, which is due to the fact that there are a lot of smokers in the city. The city can also be stressful.
But nonetheless, I still would enjoy living in one! :